  • 學位論文


Fabrication of electrochromic tungsten oxide thin film by electrodeposition method assisted with zinc oxide nanwires

指導教授 : 程金保 黃柏仁


本研究以電沉積法製備氧化鎢電致色變層,並輔以氧化鋅奈米線,應用於電致色變元件。本實驗分五部份進行,第一部份為使用定電流法沉積氧化鎢薄膜,第二部分使用定電壓法沉積氧化鎢薄膜,第三部分探討不同沉積時間對氧化鎢薄膜的影響。第四部份將試片去做退火熱處理,觀察結晶對電致色變性質的影響。最後部份為成長氧化鋅奈米線,先以濺鍍法在基板上沉積一層摻鋁的氧化鋅薄膜作為種子層,再以水熱法成長氧化鋅奈米線。將不同條件下成長的氧化鋅奈米線以穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察其表面形貌,再量測其穿透率,其穿透率隨成長時間上升而下降,成長15分鐘的氧化鋅奈米線穿透率已下降到70%。最後在不同基板上成長氧化鋅奈米線,以電沉積法在其上方沉積氧化鎢薄膜,觀察氧化鋅奈米線與電致色變的相關性。定電壓法沉積出之薄膜較定電流厚,退火後會使電致色變效果變差。沉積在摻鋁氧化鋅奈米線上的薄膜有最佳的電致色變性質,其著色效率可達15.40 cm2/C。


Electrodeposition method to fabricate WO3 electrochromic film which assisted with zinc oxide nanwire is used in this study. This study can be divided into five part. First, used constant current method to deposit WO3 film. Second, used constant voltage method to deposite WO3 film. Third, made different deposition time of WO3 film. Fourth, treated sample by annealing, and to observe the effect of electrochromic about crystal. Finally, grow AZO nanowires on the sputtering AZO film as seed layer by hydrothermal method. The microstructure and measurement transmittance of different AZO nanowires is observed by SEM. The transmittance decrease with the growing time increased. The transmittance decrease to 70% of AZO nanowires growing for 15 minute. The thickness of WO3 film by constant voltage is more large than constant current. Annealing will decrease the electrochromic effect. The film which deposit on AZO nanowise has the best electrochromic effect, the coloration efficiency can arrive 15.40 cm2/C.


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