  • 學位論文


Distance Learning Curriculum in Colleges and Universities-The Current Situation and Future Developments

指導教授 : 李 大 偉




遠距教學 課程


The purpose of this study is to analyze the current implementation of, trends in the development of, and the future outlook for distance learning curriculum in colleges and universities in the R.O.C. to be used as reference by colleges and universities in the designing of future distance learning curriculum. In order to achieve the aforementioned objectives, the author of this study used documentation analysis as well as interviews with experts in the field in the execution of this study. The author collected documentation dealing with the implementation of distance learning curriculum in Taiwan and abroad as the basis of this report. He then analyzed the documentation and induced a direction of development regarding the implementation of distance learning curriculum in colleges and universities. In regards to the interviewing of specialists, the author compiled a list of questions entitled "Questions Regarding the Current Implementation and Development of Distance Learning Curriculum in Colleges and Universities". Furthermore, he carried out semi-structured interviews with fifteen Taiwanese researchers specializing in distance learning curriculum in colleges and universities in the R.O.C., including specialist who have actually participated in distance learning curriculum, administrative personnel in the field of education who have pushed for distance learning, and distance learning instructors. Finally, the author analyzed and carried out discussions on the data collected during the interviews with the specialists mentioned above. He arrived at the following major conclusions: 1. The majority of the experts felt that all distance learning instructors should have a basic knowledge of how to use computers. 2. The teaching of distance learning curriculum is dependent on whether or not instructors' willingness to teach, so better incentives should be offered to make them more willing to give curriculum. 3. The content of distance learning curriculum should be carefully planned to raise the quality of instruction. 4. Further promotion of distance learning hinges on the effective integration of school network platforms and the drawing up course standards. 5. Plan and set up an Internet university to facilitate the development of distance learning. 6. Accelerate the making and revising of regulations dealing with the recognition of distance learning credits. 7. Carefully assess the quality of instruction and contemplate the future direction of distance learning.


distance learning curriculum


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