  • 學位論文


A Study on Inservice Education Received by Music Teachers at Junior High School

指導教授 : 姚世澤


本研究的主要目的在瞭解國中音樂教師在職進修的現況及問題,探討教師進修的動機、意願,分析進修方式、課程安排、研習時段、進修制度及行政措施等方面,以研擬一套適合國中音樂教師在職進修的課程規畫。 依據研究主題,本研究採用問卷調查法;研究的步驟,首先進行國中音樂教師在職進修理論與相關文獻之探討,以研究者自編之「國中音樂教師在職進修相關問題調查問卷」為研究工具,實施調查及分析研究;取樣對象以台灣地區公立國民中學音樂教師為主。調查結果在「國中音樂教師在職進修之意義與內涵」、「國中音樂教師在職進修課程之設計」、「國中音樂教師在職進修制度」及「我國與美日兩國教師在職進修制度之異同」等方面,均獲得具體發現與結論如下: 一、國中音樂教師一致肯定教師在職進修之重要性,並且具有高度的進修意願。 二、在課程方面,教師大致認為研習內容對教學確有助益,都期盼參與增進專業知能的進修活動,並希望有跨領域的研習內容。此外,幾乎所有的教師皆認為應實施進修效能的評鑑,以為未來活動設計的參考。 三、「時間的不適宜」和「缺乏進修資訊」是教師未參加進修活動的主因;而研習機會的不足、各地區之進修機會不均、學校的配合度低等,亦是影響教師參與進修的原因,實有待重視並加以改進。 四、美國的教師換證制度和日本的教師分級制度,皆促進該國教師在職進修教育的推動,此兩種制度可為我國改良教師在職進修時之重要依據。 根據研究結果,研究者對國中音樂教師在職進修制度與未來的研究,提出若干建議,作為有關單位辦理國中音樂教師在職進修的參考。


The purposes of this study are to understand the situation and problems of inservice education of junior high school music teachers, to investigate these teachers' motives and wills, to analyze ways of in-service education, curriculum design, class time, education systems and administrations. This study aims to arrange fitful inservice education curriculum for music teachers at junior high school. In order to fulfill these purposes, this study made use of questionnaires. First, the researcher did related literature review. Then, the researcher applied the self-edited questionnaire as the tool to investigate the related problems of inservice education. The samples were music teachers at public junior high schools on Taiwan. The results showed significance in the meaning, the insight, and the inservice education curriculum design, the system of inservice education received by music teachers at junior high school, and the differences and similarities among the inservice systems of Taiwan, the U.S. and Japan. (1) All of the music teachers are positive that inservice education is important, and they are willing to receive inservice education. (2) As to the curriculum, teachers believe the inservice education benefits their teaching, and expect to take part in the programs which increase their professional proficiency. They also intend to take courses in other fields. Besides, most of the teachers believe the effect of the program should be evaluated in order to improve the future programs. (3) Bad timing and lack of information on inservice education are the reasons why teachers do not take the inservice courses. Some other reasons are that the opportunities aren't abundant, that the distribution of the inservice education chance is not equal among all areas, and that the school authority does not support the program. (4) Both the teacher certification of the U.S. and the grade division of Japan promote their inservice education programs, and both systems can be used as a basis for improving the system in Taiwan. According to the results, the researcher made suggestions on inservice education system and future research. The authority concerned can improve the system based on the results.


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