  • 學位論文


Locke's Perspective on Punishment and Its Implication in Education.

指導教授 : 林玉体教授


本論文旨在探討洛克(John Locke, 1632-1704) 的懲罰觀及其教 育意涵,期能從洛克的懲罰理念,提出對現代家長和教師在管教或懲 罰學童時的正確認知、方式、態度等相關啟示,以供教育研究者或教 育工作人員參考。 第二章「懲罰的概念與目的」:旨在探討懲罰的意涵目的、歷史 演變及其相關概念。懲罰除給人痛苦、不愉快與嫌惡的感覺外,也含 有「報酬」的意味。論及懲罰目的,則有四種:罪有應得、阻止犯過 、社會控制、教育改造。 第三章「洛克對懲罰的看法」:洛克經歷紀律嚴格的紳士教育, 間接影響他對懲罰的若干教育看法。洛克對懲罰的見解,則主張「理 性」為人所獨有,懲罰即在彰顯人類的理性,使人暫時停止不當慾望 ,不致為惡。懲罰的正當性,即在於制止人類的惡行。自然法也以懲 罰為基礎,由於人類是群居動物,須將個人的懲罰權利交由國家社會 執行,乃形成所謂的「社會契約」。因此,懲罰具「社會性」意涵, 個人的懲罰權交由國家社會後,即可免除個人心地不良、情感偏好、 報復等自私的人為因素,使其懲罰能公正和公平。研究也歸納出洛克 的懲罰哲學,蘊涵倫理正義觀。 第四章「懲罰與管教的理念」:洛克認為上帝賦予父母管教或懲 罰子女的權利。在懲罰與管教的原則方面,他強調父母不應溺愛孩童 ,以培養理性;並應及早嚴格管教孩童,以樹立威信;也應恩威並施 ,盡可能維護兒童的榮譽感;善用「獎勵與懲罰」引導兒童。論及懲 罰的教化意涵方面,洛克認為兒童應為自己犯錯的行為負責,進而克 制不當慾望以防止犯過,培養其良好的道德習慣,整體而言,可維持 社會的秩序。 第五章「洛克對體罰的看法」:在教育孩童方面,洛克反對體罰 ,其原因在於體罰並非適當的教育方法,「以暴制暴」的方式也會影 響孩童心理,且減消其學習興趣,更易養成學童奴隸式的性情。若有 體罰的必要,則有其條件與時機,如當孩童頑梗不化或傲慢反抗,則 可用體罰作為最後的矯治手段。體罰的過程也須謹慎處理,以使兒童 徹底從心理屈服,而不再犯同樣的錯誤。從洛克對體罰的看法中,也 可反映出其寬容與否的妥協思想。 第六章「洛克懲罰觀的教育啟示」:洛克論及減少懲罰或體罰學 童的方法。他主張父母或老師在懲罰學童前,應學會如何「傾聽」學 童的心聲,如何對學童「說理」,且能作學童言行上的「榜樣」,其 次還應掌握學童自由與紀律的尺度,及早培養學童的德性,以避免製 造學童太多的慾望,同時還能積極引導學童愛榮譽和敬畏心等。 從洛克的懲罰觀中有一些啟示可供參考,即幫助父母或教師建立 正確的懲罰哲學觀,包括:對懲罰能有正確的認知,建構民主意涵的 相關懲罰規範,應學習如何避免不當的懲罰,對學童人格給予尊重, 以建立正確的懲罰態度,並扮演好懲罰者的公正角色。 從洛克對體罰的看法中,也提出幾點原則:對學童應儘量避免使 用體罰,且不可常用體罰作為教育的方式,如必要體罰時,須針對學 童的犯錯事實,切勿予以人身攻擊。 第七章「結論與建議」:總結洛克的懲罰觀,並分別對父母或老 師、學校或教育行政當局、學者專家和社會大眾提出若干建議,期使 懲罰能發揮積極的教育意義,以培養具理性和道德的人,具體實現社 會的公平與秩序,並維護人間的正義。


懲罰 體罰 洛克 理性 自然法 社會契約 正義


Locke's Perspective on Punishment and Its Implication in Education. This Thesis is to probe into the perspective about punishment of John Locke (1632-1704) and its significance in education. It is expected that, from Locke's point of view, correct cognition, manner, and attitude in disciplining or punishing children could be brought up to contemporary parents and teachers, and provide a reference to education researchers or practitioners. Chapter 2, "The concept and significance of punishment" is to examine the concept and evolution of punishment, and related concepts. Except pain, displeasure and the feeling of abhorrence, punishment also implies "reward". The significance of punishment can further imply culpability of punishment, deterrence from making mistake, social control and modification by education. Chapter 3, "The Locke's viewpoint on punishment." Locke experienced gentlemen education of strict discipline that indirectly influenced some of his educational viewpoint on punishment. He asserted that "reason" is the exclusive possession of human beings. Punishment is to manifest human reason, temporarily stop men from improper desires, and thus restrain them from doing evils. Natural law is also based on punishment. Because human beings are social animals, nation or society should practice their personal power of punishment, and thus "social contract" was formed. Therefore, punishment has a "social" implication. After the power was taken over, selfish personal factors like ill-mindedness, personal favor, and revenge could be avoided to make punishment just and fair. The research also concluded that the punishment philosophy of Locke implies ethical justice viewpoint. Chapter 4, "The Locke's idea of Instructional discipline and punishment." Locke assumed that God endowed parents with the authority and rights to discipline or punish their children. Regarding to the principles of discipline and punishment, Locke insisted that, in order to cultivate reason, parents should not spoil their children, to establish prestige, they should discipline their children strictly as early as possible. They should also apply the carrot and stick judiciously, uphold children's sense of honor, and guide children wisely with "reward and punishment." Regarding to the implication of modification, he maintained that children should take the responsibility of their erred behaviors. Their improper desires should be restrained to prevent them from making mistakes, and cultivate good moral habits. Overall speaking, this could maintain social order. Chapter 5, "Locke's viewpoint on corporal punishment." In educating children, Locke stood against corporal punishment. It is because that corporal punishment is not a proper mean of education . "To prevent violence by violence" will affect the mentality of children, diminish their learning interests, and form the slavery temper. If there is a necessity for corporal punishment, it should be used under proper condition and situations. For example, if they are obstinate or rebellious, corporal punishment could be used as a last resort to correct their behavior. The process of corporal punishment should be handled carefully to make them submit from their minds and not to make the same mistake again. From his viewpoints, he showed a compromising and tolerant attitude toward corporal punishment. Chapter 6, "the inspiration of Locke's perspective on punish- ment to education." Locke touched upon the way to reduce punishment and corporal punishment to children. He maintained that before punishment is practiced unto children, parents and teachers should learn to "listen" to them, to "reason things out" to them, and be their "model" of their words and deeds. Besides, parents and teachers should control children's range between freedom and discipline, cultivate their morality to prevent them from having too many desires, and actively guide their love for honor and sense of awe. Some inspiration in his viewpoint on punishment can be taken as a reference, and help parents or teachers establish correct philosophy about punishment including having correct knowledge about punishment, constructing democratic punishment rules, learning how to avoid improper punishment, respecting children's personality, build correct attitude of punishment, and play a fair role of punisher. From his viewpoints on corporal punishment, several principles were brought up. Avoid applying corporal punishment to children, do not use corporal punishment as a regular mean of education; if corporal punishment is needed, it should be used aiming to the fact that they made mistakes, not as personal attacks. Chapter 7, "Conclusions and suggestions." Locke's viewpoints on punishment were concluded in this chapter. Several suggestions were brought up to parents, teachers, schools and education authorities to make punishment exalt its positive educational significance and to develop men with reason and morality, realize the justice and order of society and defend justice of this world.


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