  • 學位論文


study is to explore the system screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school

指導教授 : 張明輝


摘 要 本研究之主要目的,在於探討國民中小學校長遴選制度中有關候選人資格條件、遴選過程及遴選委員會的組織結構、運作方式之學理基礎及其在國外之情形,並調查目前我國國民中小學校長遴選制度的現況,據以提出結論與建議,以供提出改進我國國民中小學校長遴選制度之參考。 為達成上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,首先進行文獻分析,以瞭解校長遴選資格、過程及遴選委員會的組織結構、運作方式的相關理論,並瞭解英、美、日等三國國民中小學校長遴選制度;其次,根據文獻分析的結果,編製「國民中小學校長遴選制度調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解目前我國教育界人士對國民中小學校長遴選的看法及改進的意見;最後,根據文獻分析及調查研究的結果,提出本研究之結論及具體建議。 本研究調查對象為台灣地區公立國民中小學的校長、主任、教師和家長,以及學者專家與教育行政人員,除學者專家以師範校院教授教育行政和學校行政之相關課程者為樣本外,其餘均以立意系統隨機抽樣的方式抽取樣本,發出共530份問卷,實得有效樣本320份,問卷資料處理則採用以SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science )8.0視窗板套裝軟體進行資料的統計處理與分析。 根據文獻分析與問卷調查發現,綜合歸納為以下結論: 壹、國民中小學校長遴選資格方面 一、校長遴選資格需兼顧學經歷及專業教育背景。 二、應採多種管道遴選優秀校長。 三、建立校長專業養成與證照制度。 四、校長年齡應四十歲以上至五十五歲以下較理想。 貳、國民中小學校長遴選程序方面 一、目前國民中小學校長遴選制度尚未受普遍肯定。 二、縣市政府宜委託相關機構協辦校長專業養成和儲訓教育。 三、延長初選公告報名時間,但縮短初選結束至複選的時間。 四、初選時可酌增年資佔分比例。 五、以資績評分七十分作為初選之錄取標準。 六、 複選之筆試科目範圍應包含主要學校行政內涵,並加長時間或增科目。 七、口試之客觀性應再加強。 八、複選之錄取採取一定的參照標準。 九、複選錄取儲訓後,應有一段期間的實習。 參、遴選委員會的組織結構及運作方面 一、訂定校長遴選作業要點之前應廣徵各界意見。 二、遴選委員會人數以九人至十五人為宜。 三、組織權責相稱的遴選委員會。 四、遴選作業完成後始公布遴選委員會成員名單,並立即解散為宜。 五、目前遴選委員會可定位為縣市層級組織,但仍應注意鄉鎮層級和學校層級組織的發展趨勢,惟主席應由委員互選產生。 六、目前遴選作業實際運作方面尚未獲得大部份人士的肯定。 七、校長候選人宜採取申請報名方式,各縣市並應秉持公平互惠原則,彼此接受校長候選人報名參加遴選。 八、遴選作業應採兩階段方式進行。 九、遴選委員會應採取無記名投票方式,決定校長人選。 十、遴選委員應透過多元管道瞭解候選人。 另根據研究結論,對於我國國民中小學校長遴選制度,提出以下建議: 壹、國民中小學校長遴選資格方面 一、遴選資格中有關校長候選人學經歷要求應酌予提高。 二、校長遴選資格中有關年齡規定應酌予限制。 三、建議中央教育行政關機規畫辦理國家級校長專業成長學程和全國性標準的校長專業證照制度。 四、彈性放寬校長候選人資格,採取選拔優秀校長的多種管道。 貳、國民中小學校長遴選程序方面 一、建議中央教育行政機關負責規畫校長專業成長和甄選、儲訓等相關措施。 二、建議地方行政機關調整候用校長甄選程序。 參、遴選委員會組織結構及運作方面 一、建議中央教育行政機關,增修訂國民教育法及施行細則有關校長遴選委員會組織之相關條文。 二、建議地方教育行政機關,增修訂定校長遴選作業要點。 三、建議規畫兩個組織層級的校長遴選委員會,採取兩階段遴選方式 四、建議遴選委員應透過多種管道瞭解候選人的各項資料。


遴選制度 遴選過程


Abstract The main purpose for this study is to explore the system screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school, among which regarding the qualification of candidate, the screening process and the organization of screen committee, the principle of operation and the foreign situation of the same, as well as to investigate the current condition of our system screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school, accordingly provide the conclusion and suggestion as references for improving our system screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school. In order to reach the above purpose, this research adopts the way as literature analysis and questionnaire. First, proceeds to literature analysis to understand the qualification of principal screened, screening process and the organization of screening committee, and related theory of operation, as well as to understand three systems screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school for England, USA and Japan. Next, according to the result of analyzed literatures, prepare the "The System Screening the Principal of Junior High School and Elementary School Questionnaire". Then proceed the investigation of viewpoints and opinion regarding improvement of our persons in educational circle to the screening of principal of junior high school and elementary school. Finally, according to the result of analyzed literatures and investigation, raise the conclusion of this study and concrete suggestion. The investigation subjects of this study are principals, directors and teachers of public junior high school and elementary schools in Taiwan area, and parents, and scholars, professionals as well as educational administration personnel. Except taking the professors of teacher school and college, who instruct the course of educational administration and course related to school administration as the sample for scholars and professionals, the others are sampled randomly by 立意system. There are 530 pieces of questionnaire total issued and 320 effective samples are acquired. It's to use SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) of 8.0 Window package software to handle the information of questionnaire. According to the analyzed literatures and questionnaire, it's to induct the conclusion as follows: I. The qualification for screening the principals of junior high school and elementary school 1. The qualification shall consider education, experience and professional education background. 2. Shall screen excellent principals from various channels. 3. Shall establish professional training and certificate system for principal. 4. It’s more ideal that the age of principal is no less than 40 years old and no more than 55 years old. II. The process for screening the principals of junior high school and elementary school 1. Presently, the system screening the principals of junior high school and elementary school is not confirmed popularly. 2. The county and city governments shall entrust related institute to sponsor the professional cultivation and training education for principals. 3. Prolong the enrollment time for the first screen, but shorten the time after 1st screen to final screen. 4. In first screen, may increase the proportion of seniority. 5. Take score 70 of performance as the elect standard for the 1st screen. 6. The subjects of written examination for final screen shall include the contents of main school administration and prolong the time of examination or increase subjects. 7. Shall increase the objectivity of oral examination. 8. Take certain reference standard for elect on final screen 9. After elect on final screen and training completed, it shall have a period of time for practice. III. Organization and operation for screen committee 1. Before making the operation points for screening principal shall consulting opinions from everywhere. 2. The number for screen committee is proper for 9 to 15. 3. To organize the screen committee of corresponding responsibility. 4. It's proper that after the screen operation completed then start to make public notice of the name list of the member of screen committee and shall dismiss the same. 5. Currently, the screen committee could be positioned as the level of county and city organization, however it shall take notice of development trend for the level of country and town as well as the organization of school. But the chairman shall be elected among members. 6. Currently, most people do not confirm the actual operation for screen. 7. It's more proper that the candidate of principal shall take application enrollment. Every county and city shall on the basis of just and beneficial principle to accept the enrollment by candidate of principal each other. 8. The screen operation shall adopt two stages. 9. The screen committee shall adopt the secret voting to decide the elect principal. 10. The screen committee shall through various channels understand candidates. In addition, according to the conclusion of study, to our system screening the principal of junior high school and elementary school, the suggestions are raised as follows: I. The qualification for screening the principals of junior high school and elementary school 1. It shall raise the requirement of education and experience for the qualification of principal of junior high school and elementary school. 2. The age for the screening qualification of principal shall be limited 3. It's to recommend the education administration agency of central government to plan the national grade of principal professional development course and national standard of principal professional certificate system. 4. Loosen the candidate qualification of principal and adopt various channels to elect excellent principals. II. The process for screening the principals of junior high school and elementary school 1. It's to recommend the education administration agency of central government to plan related measures as professional growth, screening and training for principals. 2. It's to recommend the local administration agency to adjust the screening procedure of second-string principal. III. Organization and operation for screen committee 1. It's to recommend the education administration agency of central government to increase and amend the compulsory education law and enforcement regulations regarding the articles of the organization for principal screening committee. 2. It's to recommend local education administration agency to increase and amend the operation points for screening principals. 3. It's to recommend planning two levels of principal screening committee taking two-stage screen. 4. It's to recommend the screen committee shall understand the various information of candidates.


system screening screening process


林斌 (民87)。臺北市國小校長培育甄選制度之探討。臺北:臺北市教


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