  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊永華


在學習化學的過程中,實驗是不可缺少的,然而由許多研究發現,目前仍有許多學校由於儀器設備、消耗藥品、經費不足及實驗的安全性等因素導致實驗教學實際困難所在,但往往也是被用來忽視實驗的藉口,學生缺乏由實際操作中獲得具體經驗的機會。因此本研究以電化學為主題,設計開發微型化學實驗裝置,使實驗更為簡單、有趣、安全,更有助於學生的學習。 為驗證所發展之微型化學實驗的價值與可行性,以桃園縣某公立國中之95名國三學生為樣本,分實驗組與控制組各一班,進行前測、教學活動及後測,以比較該微型化學實驗對學生學習之影響,最後則分析學生對於電化學的迷思概念,提供教師從事教學活動時之參考。再者,為了解學生對所使用之實驗裝置的看法,本研究利用問卷對學生進行調查研究,並選擇實驗組與控制組各十名學生進行晤談。 由結果發現,使用微型化學實驗裝置進行實驗的學生的學習成就顯著高於使用傳統實驗裝置進行實驗者,顯示本研究所開發之微型化學實驗能有效地促進學生概念的學習與學習興趣。另外,在問卷調查方面,學生對於微型化學實驗給予高度的肯定與興趣,然而,學生也建議若教學能有更充裕的時間則效果會更好。


In the procedure of studying chemistry, experiment is essential; but various research had discovered that: there are still too many schools unable to provide enough experiments in regular courses. Lack of equipment, overwhelmingly consuming of chemical, insufficient fund, and safety of the experiment. These are the most popular reasons for it; but they had been used as pretexts more often. Therefore, the object of this electrochemistry-based study was to design and develop a microscale chemical experiment apparatus that makes experiment simpler, safer, more interesting, and even more helpful for learning purpose. In order to examine the value and viability of the microscale chemical experiment newly developed by this study, ninety-five 9’s graders were picked from a public high school in Taoyuan. The students had been divided into 2 groups: a experimental group and a control group. The whole procedure consisted of a pre-test, teaching activities, and a post-test; by comparing the effect of this microscale chemical experiment on students' studying efficiency and analyzing students' misconceptions of electrochemistry, it can provide teacher some guides for their teaching practices. Also, in order to understand students' opinion on the new apparatus, a questionnaire-inquiry was used; eventually, ten students from each group were randomly chosen and interviewed. According to the result, obviously the experimental group achieved a higher standard compare to the control group; it revealed that the microscale chemical experiment developed by this research can promote a better concept developing and a greater learning desire more efficiently. Moreover, decent value and great interest had been found among students' respond in the questionnaire-inquiry; also, a looser schedule and ampler time had been suggested to improve the efficiency.




