  • 學位論文


The Role of Images and Symbols in Poster Designing

指導教授 : 康台生


從人類一開始生活在這廣大的宇宙中,為了適應環境與生命延續,會去認 識周圍的環境與事物、可預期與不可預期的現象,如哪些食物可以吃,哪些動 物具有攻擊性,什麼天氣會下雨…等,把能了解的事情加以掌握,把不能了解 的奉為神靈,並陸續發明各種器物來輔助生活,利用聲音來和同伴溝通,在身 上畫有象徵身分與賜予力量的圖形。在這漫長的生活過程中,每樣事物漸漸具 有人類用來理解的意義。 例如一隻鹿對原始時代的人來說,牠的肉可以食用、跑的速度很快、皮毛 有漂亮的花紋、穿在身上可以禦寒、鹿角具有攻擊性…等,因此鹿的象徵意義 便有食物、速度、美麗、衣服、榮耀、危險…等;在洞窟壁畫裡的一隻鹿,就 象徵著祈求食物或自我財產。然而隨著人類生活經驗的累積與文明的發展,對 同一事物的象徵意義會有所改變,比如情人節卡片上的鹿代表愛情,郊外公路 旁的鹿標誌代表小心動物,海報上的鹿也已不在是食物或財產,而是象徵保護 瀕臨絕種的動物。 由此可見,事物的象徵意義是具有生命性的,會隨著時間、民族…等因素 不斷改變,有時會漸漸遭人遺忘,有時卻會成為國際公認的象徵。因此本研究 乃在探討事物的象徵有何特性?如何將事物變成海報上的圖像?如何開拓圖像 象徵的廣度與深度?如何與所要傳達的意念相結合…等等,並將研究心得應用 於實際的海報創作與日後的設計教學上。


海報 圖像 象徵


Since the beginning of human life in the universe, humans have learnt to understand the surrounding environment and matters surrounding them, the predictable and unpredictable phenomena, such as what food are edible, what animals are dangerous, what kind of weather bodes rain, etc., for environmental adaptation and life preservation purposes. Humans learnt to control what they understood and left what they don't understand to the hands of the spiri- tual being. They gradually invented gadgets and things to make life easier, used sounds to communicate with their peers, as well as tattooed their bodies with status symbols and images that empowered them with strength. As life progressed, each object gradually began to have meaning to these humans. Let us take for instance the significance of a deer to the primitive people. It has edible meat, fast legs, beautifully printed skin that could provide warmth to the body, and dangerous antlers. Hence the deer signified food, speed, beauty, clo-thing, glory, and danger, etc. In the cave wall drawings, the deer was a symbol of a prayer for food or personal wealth. How- ever, as humans accumulated more living experiences and civilization developed the mean- ings of images took a change. For instance, the deer on a Valentine's card signifies love, but the deer sign beside a suburban road means watch out for animals. In posters, the deer also stopped symbolizing food or wealth, a deer on a poster calls for the protection of endangered species. It is quite apparent that the symbolic meaning of objects is representative of life, it ch- anges with time, people and other factors. Sometimes, these symbols would gradually beco- me forgotten, but sometimes, they become internationally recognized symbols. Hence, the paper shall delve into the characteristics of object symbols. How object becomes a poster image, how to expand the width and depth of an image symbol, how they come to signify the meaning they portray, and so forth. Findings of the study shall be used in actual poster crea- tion and future design education.


poster image symbol




