  • 學位論文


The Role of Online Flash Animation In The Application Of Visual Communication

指導教授 : 張柏舟


網路Flash 卡通動畫在視覺傳達應用之研究 摘要 從“10倍數的時代”到“數位時代”,21世紀科技的發達速度已經到了讓人不知道要用什麼單位去計算。伴隨著個人電腦的「基本配備化」、網際網路暢通無阻的便利性已從原來的學術殿堂深入到你我的日常生活中。而原本平淡無趣的文字傳輸系統也加入了動態的演出。隨著網路編輯、網路動畫套裝軟體的推出,網站的設立已不再是程式設計師的專利,各行各業都推出了自我的網站專區,而生動有趣的網路小動畫也如雨後春筍般滲透到網路的各個角落。從台灣最遠負盛名的春水堂科技娛樂的“阿貴”,到韓國的“賤兔”以及最近登台的日本飲品代言卡通人物“Qoo”。各式各樣新興的網路動畫卡通不分種族、宗教、語言、文化、地理位置,強迫、半強迫的進入了我們的視線範圍,或多或少都改變了我們視覺、聽覺的感受。勝者,更進一步牽動著喜好者的心靈體驗,直接或間接的改變了他們的生活型態與行為模式。故本研究計劃以1999~2002年內在台灣網路興起一陣炫風的Flash卡通動畫為主體,分別針對網路使用者與視覺傳達設計人員,雙方透過虛擬的網路空間上供應與需求間的微妙互動關係進行探討,以呈現今日台灣網路Flash卡通動畫在視覺傳達應用之全風貌。期待藉由此研究能進一步讓視覺傳達設計者的作品更貼近使用者的需求,而使用者也能在享受視覺刺激之餘提昇其對視覺美感的認知,以達到雙贏的局面。回應上述問題,研究主要內容有: 1. 藉由各類市場調查與文獻探討,整合、歸納、分析台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫的發跡過程與生存型態。 2. 分析現存台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫不同的造型、風格與傳達的內在個性所帶給閱聽人的身、心、靈的感受,甚至改變其基本行為模式的原因與魅力。 3. 分析現存的台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫如何影響視覺傳達設計作品的產出過程與紀錄。 4. 綜合前三項探討內容,規劃未來台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫的發展動向與變數,並提出研究結論。 設計的理論告訴我們:『有需要,才會有設計。』。網路FLASH卡通動畫在短時間內讓這些活潑可愛的動畫卡通主角變成熱賣商品更帶動了傳統視覺傳達設計的改變。經過分析與探討之後本研究認為網路FLASH卡通動畫的主角造形設計固為其重要的門檻,但是卡通主角的內在個性塑造與所傳達的內容意境更對網路閱聽人的心理與現實生活行為造成實質的影響,然後才有更進一步想要了解或擁有其相關視覺傳達設計產品的慾望。所以內涵的傳達才為網路Flash卡通設計者所要著重注意的地方,以有效的提昇閱聽人對卡通主角的認同與喜好,達成永久的良性互動關係。


The Role of Online Flash Animation In The Application Of Visual Communication Abstract While human beings leap from “the age of ten-time speed” to “the age of digital”, the development of technology in twenty-first century makes it difficult to calculate its own speed. Along with personal computers becoming the basic equipment, the convenience made by Internet walks out from colleges and into our daily life. The plain text transferring systems added in dynamic performance. Because the software packages for editing web pages and web animations are presented in the market, to build a website is not a privilege to programmers. Every industry has its own show on Internet; interesting small animations penetrate into every corner, like famous “A-kuei” (from Spring House Entertainment Inc., Taiwan), “MashiMaro” and “Pucca Couple” (from Korea), and the spokesman for a Japanese drink “Qoo”. A variety of new animations break the barrier between countries, religions, culture and locations, propel into our field of view, and more or less change our visual or auditory senses. Furthermore, animations manipulate the spiritual experience of fans and directly or indirectly alter their life styles and behaviors. This research plan is based on online Flash animations arising in Taiwan during 1999 to 2002 and focuses on the subtle interaction through the virtual t space, Internet, between users and visual designers. This research also opened a wider view of online Flash animations and its role in the application of visual communication. It is expected that the discussion in the research pushes the works of visual designers closer to the need of users and promote the aesthetic cognition of users as well when they enjoy the visual impacts. Therefore users and designers both take advantage from the interaction. Following the issues mentioned above, the major content of this research is: 1. To discuss and analyze the rising and survival of online Flash animation in Taiwan by surveys and documents. 2. To analyze physical and mental feels of audience brought by the appearances, styles and personality of characters in online Flash animations and the reason and attraction that alter the mode of behaviors of some users. 3. To analyze the influence of online Flash animations on the process and results of visual design. 4. To make a conclusion based on the three topics above and to plan the directions and to predict the conditions in the future development of online Flash animations in Taiwan. Design theories tell us: “There is need, so there is design.” As the top one rich person in the world Bill Gate said, the meaning of “Internet” is “information at your fingertips”. In the same way, this marketing channel forms at your fingertip. It acts like a promotion trick, first making viewers love it and then making them want to own it. In a short time this channel not only transfers these cute animation characters into best-sold products but also changes the tradition of visual communication. Based on the research, it is suggested: First, the appearance of animation characters is the foundation of online Flash animation; second, the creation of personality of characters and content of the stories make more influence on the minds and daily behaviors of Internet Audience than appearance does. Finally, audience has the desire to understand or possess the related products of visual design. Therefore it is suggested that to raise the attraction of animation characters, content and connotation are the points that animation designer must emphasize. They significantly build the long-term positive interaction between users and characters.


1.孫立群 / 1999 日本卡通對青少年消費文化影響之研究
6.姜彥竹 / 2001 圖像與象徵在海報設計上之研究
5.《Searching for The Perfect Beat》� WATSON GUPTILL�1999
6.《Color Sourcebook》


