  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林如章


一般說來,教科書是目前教師教學的依據,也是學生在教室中學習的基本媒介,故教科書內容設計的優劣,對於學生學習會產生很大的影響。然而目前的教科書大部分是以學科專家的角度來編寫,少有以學生的學習觀點為前提來編製,長久下來,便出現教材內容份量過多、概念間缺乏連貫性等問題。而國內的教師手冊對於教師的教學策略、教學的概念流程以及學生的學習障礙也沒有詳細的說明引導,因而導致教師教學與學生學習的效果不佳。 因此,本研究的目的是以『化學變化與原子分子』為例,設計出符合學童認知發展的一套教案,希望能改善傳統教科書概念不連貫,以及教師手冊缺乏教材教法的問題,並探討具有教學經驗的教師們,在看完本教案後的滿意度及接受度。研究者將教材內容放置在自製的網頁上,供教師們參考,希望能達到教學資源共享與經驗交流的目的。 本研究的主要結論如下: 一.教案設計方面:教材內容的設計必須符合課程標準,以學生的生活經驗為主要題材,難度也要配合國中生的學習;實驗部分則必須詳細說明,讓學生培養實驗操作的技巧。另外,提供合適的教學策略與教學流程,以幫助教師有效轉化課程內容。 二.教師的教材教法方面:盡量以問題、活動、生活經驗等切入教學的主題,並讓學生從科學探究的學習活動中歸納出所應學習的概念,教師再將學生的歸納結果轉化成專有名詞或學科知識。 三.網頁的呈現方面:網頁間的連結要順暢;說明文字的解說要詳細,適時地使用圖片配合學習內容,以達版面配置的協調性。


Generally, textbooks are the basis of teachers’ teaching and students’ learning in a classroom. Therefore, the contents of textbooks have great effects on students’ learning. At present, however, most textbooks are compiled with the opinions of experts, but rarely from the viewpoints of students’ learning. This causes some problems in students’ learning, such as too many contents and bad connections among conceptions. In Taiwan, lacking of detailed descriptions on instruction strategies, conceptual procedures and students’ learning activity, has impaired the functions of teacher’s guide, which causes the inefficiency on teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is thus to submit an instruction proposal which conform to students’ cognitive developments, taking the chapter〝Chemical change and atoms, molecules〞as a topic.Some improvements are made to increase the fluency on the conceptual procedures, and also on the teaching strategies of current teachers’ guides. The proposal has presented to some experienced high school teachers and received positive appraisement from them. The instructional proposal is also placed in my website, for communication and distribution purposes. The results of this research are concluded as follows. 1.The teaching plan:A well designed teaching material must include many important elements. First of all, the curriculum standards should be followed. Secondly, the common experience to subject matters will help students much more easily get familiar to the topic of the studying activity. Subsequently, to set up some study levels according to the cognitive developments and to lead the students’ learning step by step, can help the students clear their learning obstructs more smoothly. Furthermore, making some descriptions on experiments, and bringing up students’ own operation skills should also be an important part in science study. Besides, the teaching proposal must offer appropriate teaching strategies and teaching procedures, in order to efficiently transform the contents of the textbooks into a teaching activity. 2.The teaching methods:Teachers should lead students’ study by asking questions to induce their motivation on learning, and link the teaching materials to the former experiences of students as possible as they can. Students thus become able to conclude the concepts those are described by the teaching materials in the last stage of the learning topic. Subsequently, teachers can transform the results concluded by students to some proper keywords or science rules. 3.The presentation on web pages: The connections among web pages must be fluent. And, in order to harmonize the entire printed page, the designers are suggested to use some pictures appropriately to match up the learning contents.


謝筱蕙(2009)。兩岸高中國語文教科書編制與政治意識形態選課研究 ──以龍騰版與人教版為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00039
