  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李基常


本研究旨在探討我國高級中等學校化工科教師學科專門能力,並希望研究結果有助於師資培育機構開設課程及教師在職進修的參考。 為達研究目的,本研就分別從用人需求、實務工作及教育培育三個方面採用半開放式調查及德懷術調查等方法進行研究。首先探討國內外相關文獻,作為建構半開放式問卷調查及德懷術調查問卷的基礎,隨後邀請產業界人士、高職教師及大專院校學者,進行半半開放式問卷調查,並彙整問卷結果以發展德懷術問卷。德懷術的諮詢專家亦有產業界人士、高職教師及大專院校學者,以進行三次的德懷術調查。調查所得結果,除以次數分配、平均數、標準差、眾數、四分差的描述性統計外,並經柯-史單一樣本適合度考驗及克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析等方法,進行專家一致性的驗證。 經由上述研究,獲得主要結論有化工科教師學科專門能力共有55項,分為「化學相關知識」、「化學工程相關知識」、「化學工業相關知識」、「工場管理與安全衛生相關知識」、「化學實習規劃執行能力」、「化工單元操作管理能力」、「設備及儀器保養操作的能力」、「工場緊急應變處理與管理的能力」、「產品品質管制的能力」、「污染防治與廢棄物處理的能力」、「工場佈置與管理的能力」等11層面,其中專門知識的能力有4個層面共21項能力;專門技能的能力有7個層面共34項能力。


This is a study on the professional ability of the chemical technique teacher in high school, also offering some information for the authority to open more class for teacher’s on-working continuing learning. Three aspects was related to this investigation: recruitment need, professional performance, and continued education, half-opened survey and Delphi method was involved, reference studying over international bibliography was the basic step for designing on either half-opened or Delphi questionnaire, by visited several professionals, high vocational school teachers, and some college staff member, then developed another Delphi questionnaire, which were consulted with several professionals, high-vocational school teacher and some person at university level. Three times the Delphi questionnaire used in processing, the result obtained by frequency, mean, standard deviation, mode, quartiles descriptive statistics, followed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample of Goodness test and reaching consensus from the Kruskal-Wallis one way analysis of variance by rank. Due to the above research, 55 items of the professional ability of Chemical technology teacher were concluded, which contains 11 divisions as: the Chemistry related knowledge, the related chemical engineer knowledge, the chemical industry related knowledge, the management and safety of a factory, how to make the chemical practice plan, the operation and management of the chemical technique, the maintaining ability of the equipment and installation, how to respond to the urgency and control the situation, keeping the quality of the product, how to prevent the pollution and handle the waste, the competence for installation and management. 21 items related to 4 aspects about the professional knowledge, and 34 items related to 7 professional ability was concluded.


