  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蓋浙生


本研究旨在探討建構我國高等教育退場機制之適宜性及合理性,並透過訪談以瞭解學校主事者、專家學者,以及教育部主管司行政主管三者間之意見與看法。研究方法以文獻探討之理論基礎為架構,再進行訪談研究探討,文獻探討主要採以西方國家英、美、加之退場實例與經驗為模式,訪談部分則針對公私立大學校院之校長五位、專家學者五位,以及教育部主管司行政主管二位進行訪談,以瞭解渠等對建構我國高等教育退場機制的看法與建議。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、我國高等教育尚未型塑市場化環境,適時規劃退場機制具預警效果。 二、國內外環境條件殊異,退場機制建構應適合我國教育體制。 三、退場法源依據、程序及配套尚未建構完備,政策理念與目的尚待釐清,目前推動實施仍有困難。 四、建構退場機制在提升高等教育功能,無礙高等教育機構多元性發展。 五、退場機制之建構,應由政府與市場共同主導。 六、注重合理決策形成過程,尊重學校成員意見,審慎決定退場方式。 七、建構長期高等教育資訊網路,提供消費者易理解之公開透明選擇資訊。 根據本研究結論,提出以下建議以供參考: 一、對教育行政主管機關之建議 (一)儘速修定相關法令,建構一體適用之法源依據。 (二)退場機制規劃實施應明確定義、內容及程序,以符政策制定目標。 (三)法源增列績優學校之進場條件與獎勵制度,以增進良性競爭機制。 (四)退場是最後手段,回歸高教品質監督責任,逐步放寬干預管制,賦予大學自主權利及責任。 (五)退場機制正式實施之前,應加強理念宣導與溝通,訂定預警系統與合理緩衝期。 二、對高等教育機構之建議 (一)釐清自我定位與特色,做好品質管理與市場區隔。 (二)執行系所縮編與調整,符合最適經營規模。 (三)加強規劃績效責任制度,強化教師教學品質與責任。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)在研究內容方面 建議後續研究可朝以下幾項面向再深入探討:未來具體規劃方向與實施成效是否真能如教育部所預期?執行上是否會產生問題與困難度?對社會、高等教育機構以及成員有何種影響?影響程度如何? (二)在研究方法方面 建議後續研究應該再輔以問卷調查,亦可採用比較研究方式再加以研究探討。


The purpose of this study is to explore the appropriateness and the reasonableness of the Construction of the Closure Mechanism among Universities and Colleges in Taiwan. Moreover, through several interviews, it intends to understand the view-points and opinions provided by educators, professionals and Educational Administrators. The studied methods are constructed based on the theory from previous researches and the interviews. The research model from the past researches used is mainly closely related to the examples and experiences observed from the western countries, namely United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. The interviewers participating in this study include five Presidents from National and Independent Universities (including Colleges), five educators and professionals, and the two chairs from Education Administration. Through these interviews, it is hoped that their opinions regarding the Structuring Closure Mechanism for Higher Education of Taiwan can be made known to us. Synthesis of the results of the questionnaire and interview, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. The Educational Marketization of higher Education in Taiwan has not been fully shaped. Therefore, it is critical to construct a fully planned Closure Mechanism for Higher Education now. 2. Since the differences exist between foreign countries and Taiwan, the construction of Closure Mechanism for Higher Education should suit into the situation in our country. 3. Since the related rules, processes and assisted elements have not been fully developed, there are still some possible difficulties in promoting this mechanism. 4. The construction of the Closure Mechanism for Higher Education aims at improving the function of higher Education, and it doesn’t interrupt the development of related Educational sections. 5. The constructing of the Closure Mechanism for Higher Education should be supported by both the government and the market. 6. The leading role in the Closure Mechanism for Higher Education should base on the cooperation between both the government and the market. 7. It is highly needed to construct a complete web site about the development of the higher education in order to provide sufficient information for the public. Base on the research conclusions, suggestions are provided as following for further reference: 1. For Educational Authorities a. It is strongly suggested that an appropriate set of rules should be constructed as soon as possible. b. The plan for the Closure Mechanism for Higher Education should be clear in definition, content and process in order to achieve the purpose. c. In order to increase the ability of competing, there should be some rules and condition settled down concerning the benefits earned by those schools that have excellent results. d. The major concern is still the responsibility to establish the quality of higher education. Hence, it is needed to lessen the interference, and to provide sufficient self-controlling power for the universities themselves. e. Before the practice of the Closure Mechanism for Higher Education, it is needed to reinforce the related ideas, and to produce pre-warning system and rational deadline. 2. For National Universities a. Know the school’s self identification and distinguishing features, and establish the quality management and distinction between education and marketization well. b. In order to fix into the most suitable managing size, the colleges and departments in the university should undergo related changes. c. Reinforce the plan for the praising of excellent contribution in order to modify the teachers’ qualification and responsibility. 3. For Future Researches a. To see whether the future planned directions and the effectiveness of this construction fix into the Education Administration’s ultimate goals or not. Are there some possible obstacles or problems exist while the program has been carried on? What are the influences and the extent of influences toward the society and the higher education itself? b. In future researches, it is suggested that further uses of questionnaires can be established. Besides, comparative research method can be used too.


American Association of University Professors. (1995). Policy documents and reports (8th ed.). Washington DC: American Association of University Professors.


