  • 學位論文


The Detection of the Meaning of Mathematical Literacy and the Development of the Instruments to Assess Mathematical Literacy of Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 譚克平


近年來數學素養儼然已成為數學教育的一項重要的指標,而九年一貫課程數學領域綱要中亦以數學素養作為其標的,鑑於國內尚無相關研究,因此本研究即以數學素養為研究方向,擬定研究目的三項:(1)探討數學素養的意涵;(2)建構數學素養能力指標;(3)初步探討與效化國小學生數學素養評量工具。在研究過程中即依據三項研究目的,分為三個子研究分別針對不同的研究問題予以探討。 一、研究一:何謂數學素養 研究一主要透過內容分析法與文獻資料的蒐集與分析,逐步形成對於研究主題的認識與觀點,並界定數學素養的意涵應當是「在社會文化的脈絡中,能用數學的眼光看世界,能認識及轉換多樣化的資訊成數學的形式,使用數學解決來自生活上的問題,以作為判斷和做決定的依據,並且能透過說明與溝通,讓別人瞭解據以決定的過程與結果。」 二、研究二:數學素養能力指標的建構 研究二則是以數學素養重要的組成要素為依據發展數學素養能力指標,並且認為解決問題的能力、推理思維的能力、溝通說明的能力、評斷做決定的能力、資訊取則與表徵的能力以及使用數學的意向是數學素養能力指標中六個重要的向度。 三、研究三:數學素養評量工具的開發與效化 本研究國小學生數學素養評量工具主要是以數學內容(數與計算、圖形空間與實測、資料處理)、數學素養能力指標(依數學素養重要的組成要素發展)以及情境類型(居家上課購物、健康衛生飲食、休閒娛樂交通)三個向度結構。在試題的部分,則以題組的方式呈現,包含一般的單選題及二階段評量試題,並於預試之後形成三份題本。評量工具的效化則是以「瞭解評量工具是否與數學素養的意涵對齊」、「試題的項目分析」以及「測驗的信效度分析」等作為評量工具效化的三個主軸。從訪談過程中歸納出三項教師與學生對於評量工具的觀感,分別是思考與使用數學解題、與生活經驗的連結以及訊息的多樣與閱讀,這些特質皆符合本研究中對於數學素養意涵的界定。而在試題的項目分析與測驗的信效度分析中,結果發現三份題本重測信度分別是0.91、0.80及0.92。透過進一步的分析亦發現,學校數學與數學素養評量的表現呈現中度相關,且相同情境類型中不同數學內容向度間的表現大多數呈現中度相關,而相同數學內容中不同情境類型向度間的表現亦多數呈現中度相關。


Mathematical literacy has held a special attraction for the community of mathematics education. The Curriculum Guidelines of Mathematics for grade 1-9 also recognizes the importance of mathematical literacy or numeracy. But there have been no related theses in internal research. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to: (1) investigate what mathematical literacy is; (2) construct attainment indicator of mathematical literacy; and (3) validate the rudimentary instrument and explore students’ performance. The study is then divided into three sub-studies according to each purpose. A. Study 1: What is Mathematical Literacy? Study 1 aims at developing ideas about mathematical literacy through content analysis and literature review. Mathematical literacy in this study is an individual’s capability to see the world with the eyes of mathematics, to recognize and transform varieties of information into mathematical forms, to use mathematics solving real life problems in social and cultural contexts. Mathematically literate individuals should communicate and evaluate the process and product of making decisions. B. Study 2: Construction of Attainment Indicator Study 2 aims at attainment indicators in accordance with the definition and key elements of mathematical literacy in the study. There are six dimensions of attainment indicator as follows: problem solving, thinking and reasoning, communicating, evaluating and decision making, information selecting and representing, and disposition to use mathematics. C. Study 3: Instrument Design and Validation The instrument in this study is organized by three dimensions: mathematical content, context, and attainment indicators. There are three booklets which are displayed by testnets or superitems including multiple choice and two-tail assessment items. Study 3 aims at validating the rudimentary instrument through interviews with teachers and students, item analysis, and analysis of validity and reliability of instrument. Three characteristics of the instrument from the interviews-are thinking and using mathematics, connecting with mathematics, and reading and varieties of information-will be summarized. The test-retest reliabilities of the three booklets are 0.91, 0.80, and 0.92 respectively. According to progressive analysis, the correlation coefficient indicates a moderate or low positive relationship between different mathematical content dimensions in the same context, and different context dimensions in the same mathematical content.


numeracy mathematical literacy assessment


American Association for the Advancement of Science (1989). Science for All Americans: A Project 2061 Report on Literacy Goals in Science, Mathematics, and Technology. Washington, D.C.: Author.
