  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林寶貴


摘 要 本研究旨在探討「情境教學策略」訓練,對國小初任特教教師的影響,以及智能障礙學生經此策略教導後之溝通效果。研究方法採單一受試多基線多探試跨受試之實驗設計,研究對象有預試師生一組,正式實驗師生三組及類化對象六位,自變項為:「情境教學策略」,包括:「環境安排策略」、「使用示範」、「提問--示範」、「時間延宕」、「隨機教學」;依變項為:教師使用「情境教學策略」之情形;智障學生之「語用種類」、「開啟率」、「輪替率」、「相隨語句適切率」、「口語清晰率」、「口語數」、「非口語數」。資料蒐集方式,採錄影及錄音方式蒐集師生溝通內容、教師教學心路歷程、相關教師及家長社會效度。所有資料經謄成文字稿後,先斷句,再逐句分析,並進行分類及劃記入「師生溝通分析表」中。最後結合量化資料與質化資料之分析結果,彙整成研究結果,並提出建議以供後續研究之參考。 本研究發現,第一:經「情境教學策略」訓練後,「情境教學策略」對初任教師的影響:(一)、「環境安排策略」有助於引發溝通行為;(二)、「情境教學策略」有助於語用能力的教導;(三)、「情境教學策略」容易類化、易學易用。第二:教師採用「情境教學策略」教導智能障礙學生後,智障學生的溝通效果:(一)語用種類更多樣,類化情形良好;(二)更主動開啟話題;(三)更會維繫話題;(四)口語更清晰;(五)語意更適切;(六)口語表達能力提高;(七)非口語表達能力增加,而且「情境教學策略」亦深獲家長及教師的認同。 關鍵詞:初任特教教師、智能障礙學生、情境教學策略、 語用能力。


Abstract The study had two purposes: (a) to investigate the effects of milieu teaching strategies (MTS), used by the beginning special education teachers, on the communication performance of the elementary students with moderate/severe mental retardation; (b) to investigate how these teachers were influenced in the process in terms of their usage of MTS. The single subject research--multiple baselines across subjects & multiple probes design--was used. 14 participants, mainly the beginning special education teachers and the elementary students with moderate/severe mental retardation, were involved. They were divided as the pilot group, the experiment group and the generalization group. In the study, the independent variable was the teaching with MTS, including environment arrangement, modeling, mand-model, time delay and incidental teaching. Dependent variables included the teachers’ strategy usage as well as the students’ speech acts; the latter included seven aspects—the kinds of speech acts, the rate of initiation, the rate of turn taking, contingent utterance fitness, intelligibility, the numbers of verbal and nonverbal acts. Videotaping and oral tape recoding were adopted for data collection. Both the quantitative and the qualitative approaches were used for data analysis. The study had the following findings: A. The beginning special education teachers showed a better usage of teaching strategies after they had received the MTS training. These teachers were found to use more kinds of strategies, to adopt more stuff for environmental arrangement, and to use the MTS to other students. B. The students with moderate/severe mental retardation showed better speech acts after their teachers applied MTS to the communication instruction. These students were found to act better in all the seven aspects of their speech. They had more kinds of speech acts, initiated more frequently, maintained the conversation better, had a better oral clearness, had a better contingency utterance fitness, and had better verbal as well as nonverbal expressions. Key words: beginning special education teacher, students with moderate/severe mental retardation, milieu teaching strategy, pragmatics abilities.


謝彬彬(2008)。以遊戲建構人際互動情境對增進國小 自閉症學童社會適應能力之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00408
