  • 學位論文


Gadamer’s Aesthetics and Its Implications on Education

指導教授 : 楊深坑


本研究旨在探究Gadamer美學的歷史背景與發展脈絡、詮釋Gadamer美學的遊戲觀、真理觀及其語言哲學分析,進而尋繹Gadamer美學的教育蘊義,並擬出具體建議,以供未來教育之參考。為達上述研究目的,本論文主要採理論分析法與詮釋學方法進行研究。 本研究獲致以下結論: 1.就Gadamer美學的歷史背景及發展脈絡而言:Gadamer出生時值思潮相互激盪、巨著相繼問世,其美學係在唯科學主義與反人性危機下滋長,思想上承Schleiermacher、Dilthey及Heidegger的詮釋學傳統,並承繼Plato、新康德主義、現象學、Kierkegaard、Dilthey等人而自成一家。 2.就Gadamer對Kant與Schiller美學之批判而言:批判Kant審美主體化的品味判斷導致審美區分、品味判斷易落入主觀主義;批判Schiller審美區分使藝術作品與生活世界隔離。 3.就Gadamer美學遊戲觀而言:植基於開顯真理的美學遊戲觀,淵源於人文主義傳統及精神科學,Gadamer美學遊戲觀的重要內涵為藝術即遊戲、遊戲即往返律動、遊戲即自我呈現、藝術作品的詮釋即傳統與闡釋者相互遊戲、透過遊戲可呈現意義的整體、藝術欣賞具有同時性。 4.就Gadamer美學真理觀而言:係對真理符應說之批判及Heidegger觀點之闡揚,主張自然科學與精神科學皆能產生真理,定義知識形式與科學為真理即logos,認為藝術作品的存有本身涵蘊真理,藝術真理之開顯以Hegel路線較為整全。闡釋藝術作品係透過語言在不同生活脈絡對話下,所形成的合宜理解。 5.就Gadamer美學的教育蘊義而言:教育目的方面,教育在解蔽或探尋logos,且教育兼具傳承性及開展性;教育過程方面,教育即師生相互創生文化的過程,個體在教育的藝術遊戲中自我轉化,教育即Bildung超越與歸屬的動態歷程;教育內容的知識層面,課程知識係學科內容與師生相互遊戲而詮釋拓展,教育內容的人格陶冶層面,人格教育係自我轉化與朝向普遍性精神之往返律動,教育內容的美感層面,美育實踐在彰顯藝術或遊戲的特質;教育方法方面,教育即藝術理解的辯證性給與取,教學應彰顯學科本身的特質;教育學方法論方面,教育研究的對象是整體教育場域的相互遊戲本身,教育研究的方法宜適度統合不同典範的研究方法以辯證交融出深度意義,同時教育均發生在語言中並在語言中開顯,教育理論與教育實踐的關係則是教育實踐開展教育理論,再從教育實踐中不斷修正教育理論之辯證發展。 根據相關探究與結論,本研究建議如下: 1.整體教育宜多從美學/藝術角度出發,並多反思當代社會的不合理、反人性層面。 2.教育改革宜回歸教育場域。 3.加強師生層級的課程設計。 4.人格教育宜使個體在教育的藝術遊戲中自我轉化與自我實現。 5.教育學方法論宜持整全之涵蘊辯證觀。


藝術 遊戲 真理 語言 教育


The purpose of the study is to analyze and interpret the historical background, context, “play” concept, “truth” concept, language philosophy in Gadamer’s Aesthetics and Its Implications and suggestions on Education. In order to accomplish those purposes, the study adopts theory analysis and Gadamer’s hermeneutics. The results are concluded as follows: 1.Gadamer’s Aesthetics and hermeneutics follow hermeneutics tradition including Schleiermacher, Dilthey, and Heidegger. Gadamer’s Aesthetics and hermeneutics are enlightened by Plato, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology, Kierkegaard, and Dilthey. 2.Gadamer’s Aesthetics comments on aesthetic differentiation and subjectivism in Kant’s Aesthetics, and on aesthetic differentiation bringing to the works of art alienated with life world in Schiller’s Aesthetics. 3.The themes of “play” concept in Gadamer’s Aesthetics are discussed in the following: (1) art as play, (2) play as to-and-fro movement and self-renewing, (3) play as self-representation, (4) play as playing and being-played in between tradition and interpreters, (5) the characteristics of transformation into structure and contemporaneousness in the works of art. 4.The themes of “truth” concept in Gadamer’s Aesthetics are discussed in the following: (1) truth in both Naturwissenschaft and Geisteswissenschaftens, (2) defining knowledge and sciences as truth as logos, (3) truth in Dasein of the works of art, (4) “truth” concept in Hegel’s Aesthetics approved by Gadamer. 5.Based on Gadamer’s Aesthetics, implications on education and pedagogy are as follows: (1) the aim of education as unconcealment or searching for logos, (2) education facilitating students self-transformation through playing in art, (3) education/Bildung as dialectical transcendence and appropriation process, (4) the knowledge/content of education expanding within interplaying of teachers’ and students’ horizon, (5) the education of personality as dialectical self-transformation and universality movement, (6) aesthetic education practice illustrating the characteristics of art or play, (7) education as dialectical give and take process of interpreting of art, (8) educational theory and practice as “inter-becoming” and dialectic. According to the results, suggestions about education would be offered as follows: 1.Education may emphasizes on Aesthetics or art, and criticizes irrational and impersonal aspects in modern society. 2.The education reform may focus on the field/domain of education. 3.Education may stress on curriculum design of teachers and students’ level. 4.The education of personality may facilitate students self-transformation, self-transcendence, and self-actualization. 5.The viewpoints of methodology of pedagogy may be dialectic.


art play truth language education



