  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃城


摘 要 一九八○年代台灣吹起一股民主風,影響所及,宜蘭縣自然也不例外,例外的是,國民黨在宜蘭縣執政三十二年,竟然在一場關鍵性的選舉之後淪為宜蘭縣的在野黨,時間長達二十餘年,這個現象令人感到非常有趣。在威權時代,「黨外」是人民除了國民黨以外的唯一選擇,有趣的是民進黨在1986年成立之後,接收了黨外的政治資源,並且對無黨籍人士日後在宜蘭縣的發展造成排擠,以往受宜蘭縣選民同情與垂憐的黨外,開始江河日下,民進黨究竟是因為在政策方面較為宜蘭縣民所接納,而在宜蘭一枝獨秀,或是因為國民黨本身長久以來存在著許多與派系的糾葛而漁翁得利,一度在宜蘭縣擁有一片政治版圖的黨外,為何在那麼快的時間裡就消失怠盡?難道是受到選民的離棄嗎?本研究以時間點來切入,探討在這段時間以來宜蘭縣的政治變遷。 影響選舉結果的因素很多,地方派系、政黨提名人選、選舉策略、選戰文宣及政見議題等,都是其中因素。國民黨與派系的恩庇-侍從架構未能保持適當距離,在選戰策略上又屢屢居於被動,不若民進黨的大開大闔;民進黨以宜蘭經驗、綠色執政在宜蘭縣執政二十餘年,在政見上投人民所好,在選戰策略上雖然是宜蘭縣的執政黨,但仍採攻、守並用的戰略方式使國民黨疲於招架。不過對兩黨來說,雙方的政黨版圖差距不再相差懸殊,從選票的的變遷可以得知,選民也是求新求變的,本研究希望經由政治變遷的分析之後,提出研究發現並作出檢討與建議。


Summary In 1980s, there was a democracy tide in Taiwan. Yi LAN County was also impacted. It is interesting before they lost the election, KMT had governed Yi Lan for 32 years, then they became the minor political party for 20 years. In the age of martial law, Exclusive of KMT, people have an only one option “ Out-Of-Party”. PTT has been established in 1986, and they accepted the Out-Of-Party’s resources, then they prohibited Out-Of-Party promotion in Yi LAN County. Out-Of-Party whom Yi LAN residents had sympathy for was going down. Is the reason why PTT is too distinct their politics was better or KTM had many conflicts between groups so that PTT could take advantages? Why did Out-Of-Party which used to have a power disappear in short time? Were they abandoned? In the view of time, this research will discuss the transition of the Yi LAN County politics in this period of time. There are some reason affecting election, such as local political parties, nominations, the strategy of election, elective advertisements, and the political issues. Instead of PTT aggression, KMT is always inactive. Although PTT is the main power in Yi LAN County, they still can attack and defend KMT. PTT can go along with people by the experience of governing Yi LAN County about 20 years. To both of them, their political territories are not incompatible. We can tell from the transition of election result that people are apt to be changeable. After analyzing the political transitions, this research will give some evaluations and suggestions.




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