  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文典


摘要 科學概念具有抽象、微觀之特性,故被認為比一般概念不易學習。 在幫助學生建構科學概念時,教師常運用各種方式傳達概念,但唯有透過 學生的表達回饋,才能了解學生心中所建構。然而課堂討論及寫作活動, 因較費時,常在課程時間限制之下被省略。本研究的目的在於探究學生 「表達」如何促進「抽象科學概念」之學習。首先設計「提高學生表達 機會」的教材,再以「知識及概念的獲得」、「知識及概念的整合應用能力」 及「表達能力」三方面評量學生所作的書面表達,並配合課堂中所紀錄之 學生「參與課堂討論紀錄表」,分析表達在抽象科學概念學習上的功能。 研究結果包含:(1)學生的表達回饋具體呈現了心中所建構。對教師而言, 可完整了解學生並作指導。對學生而言,可以將其心智模型與概念模型作 對照,進而自我修正。(2)學生在設法以「自己的話」說(寫)出來的過程 中,促使抽象科學概念具體化。(3)課堂討論可發揮「合作學習」的功能。 藉著事先設計的討論主題、教師在討論時的主持、教師即時的正增強以 及先進行小組討論,再進行全班性討論可以提高效率。(4)寫作作業要求 較嚴謹,降低了另有概念、迷思概念形成的可能性。(5)必須配合其他 穩固知識概念的教學策略,才能明顯提昇學生的學習成就表現(如:定期 考查等)。


Abstract Science concepts are often regarded as ,“hard to learn” because of the abstract and microscopic characteristics. Teachers often use many ways to transmit science concepts to help students understand , but the only way to understand what has been constructed by the students is to let them express or voice out what are in their minds. Often because of the limitation of time within a class period , chances for students to discuss and to do writing activities are scarce. The purpose of this study is to learn more about “the enhancement of the comprehension of abstract science concepts by giving students more chance to express”.This study began with a planned teaching material which could give students more classroom discussion opportunities and writing –to-learn activities. Then the teacher analyzed the feedback from the students and gave grades from three aspects : “the knowledge and concepts acquired “ , “the ability to structure and to apply”, and “the ability to express accurately”. And along with the notes taken during class of the students’ participations, this study analyzed the facilitative functions of classroom discussions and writing-to-learn strategies in the learning of science. Results of this study includes: (1)What students presented, either orally or written, concretely represented what students have had in mind. Thus, teachers could give instructions right away and students could compare the differences between “the conceptual model” and their own “mental models”. (2)During the process of which students tried to state what’re in their minds in their own words, enhanced the comprehension of abstract science concepts. (3)Classroom discussions accomplished the function of cooperative learning. Classroom discussions planned and guided by the teacher, small group discussion followed by a whole class discussion, and positive reinforcement given from the teacher made teaching more effective. (4)Written presentation were asked to be completed precisely,therefore, lowered the possibility of the formation of misconceptions or alternative concepts. (5)For higher academic achievement (such as performances on summative exams ), other strategies should be used also to make learned concepts firmly kept in mind.


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陳文典 (2003,10月):「自然與生活科技」學習領域課程簡介。發表於
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EDO-TM-03-01).College Park,MD:ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and


