  • 學位論文


A study of skills of Ukiyoe woodcut print applying to visual communication design- poster design of the landscape illustration of Tainan county

指導教授 : 賴建都


三百年的浮世繪,除了留下世間眾生相之外,風景畫更是非常重要的題材,浮世繪中的「名所繪」,就是風景畫,最著名的兩位畫家為葛飾北齋與歌川廣重。日本境內重要的山川地景被畫家描繪下來,有真實,也有美化,透過這些畫面,人們對自己居住的環境更加熟悉,對每個地方的風俗、文化也多了一層認識。浮世繪的創作手法可分為兩種:木版畫和肉筆繪,前者是利用木板刻製圖案,再以植物或礦物提煉的顏料印刷而成,後者則是手繪形式。因題材取自民眾的生活習慣與日常景象,加上獨特的色彩與創意,每幅皆具有鮮明的日本民族風格,也反映當時的日本文化背景。 電腦使未來充滿無限可能,賦予藝術創作新的生命。目前各種不同的電腦繪圖軟體,都能輕易的存取、複製、修正、合成、移動圖像,使得經由電腦所處理的電子影像更加多姿多彩。傳統版畫與電腦結合應用後,電腦繪圖軟體可針對色彩、層次、質感、線條變化等層面,帶來新的刺激與表現。希望藉由浮世繪風景畫特有的構圖、設色表現,結合電腦繪圖技術,以圖例說明電腦繪圖對浮世繪版畫所能造成的改變與特殊效果,創作以台南縣特有景觀為主題的風景海報。


浮世繪 風景畫 版畫 葛飾北齋 歌川廣重


Ukiyoe woodcut print has existed for more than 300 years in Japan. Besides leaving plentiful legacy of the images of people, landscape painting became a major subject of Japanese woodcut print. Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige are the most famous both of artist of Ukiyoe style. Painters depicted sceneries of Japanese realistically or fantastically. Through these paintings, people familiarize themselves with the land they live on, and understand better their customs and cultures of every place. Ukiyoe woodcut print has two artistic techniques: woodcut and painting. The former is by carving picture on the wood and press it, the latter is by painting. Since the subjects are taken from civilian’s daily lives and customs, adding the uniqueness and tints of its original style, every painting is not only embedded with distinct folk style but also realistically reflect the cultural background of that era. Currently, computer science has achieved a lot in the applications of artistic creation. Now, many graphic software are designed to save, copy, compound and move pictures easily. The paintings drawn by computer software are more colorful than before. Combining computer techniques, traditional woodcut print could have better performance in colors, textures, and linear variations. Now, we combine the unique landscape painting of Ukiyoe woodcut print with computer technologies to paint the woodcut print of the landscapes of Tainan county. These pictures illustrate how the techniques of computer manipulation can bring changes and special effects on Ukiyoe woodcut print.


