  • 學位論文


The Sound from Wilderness: The Journey of Transpersonal Experiences of Amateur Natural Educator

指導教授 : 顏妙桂博士


摘 要 本研究旨在探索自然教育者在原野裡,發現「生命」,找尋「真我」(Self),「融入自然」的超越經驗。期盼能從協同研究者的故事裡,找尋屬於本土的「曠野的聲音」;進而為本土的自然教育擴展「超個人心理學」(transpersonal psychology)的向度,深化自然教育的研究內涵;最後,提出本研究之建議。 本研究採取質性研究方法,邀請三位長期在自然中旅行的自然教育者為本研究之協同研究者,蒐集資料以深度訪談為主,訪談逐字稿、研究札記、及協同研究者提供之相關文件為研究之主要文本。 本研究之主要發現如下: 首先,三位協同研究者在自然裡旅行的故事,是循著「接觸自然」→「進入自然」→「融入自然」→「獻身自然」的階段發展。 其次,發現他們的超越經驗內涵: 1.超越經驗的特徵是不可預期、需要有自然的場景、必須專心體驗才能融入自然、有過超越經驗後容易啟動更多超越經驗; 2.融入自然獲得超越經驗的方法則發現:專心及持續地與自然環境接觸是基本條件,打開心願意接收自然訊息則是關鍵條件。 3.本研究在協同研究者的超越經驗中找到15個形容與感受。 第三,在原野裡的超越經驗會影響: 1.個人的自然體驗;2.進行自然教育的影響力;3.個人壓力的調適;4.個人自信的提升;5.與靈性的接觸與體認;6.生命的抉擇與意義。 第四,超越經驗對自然教育的意義及啟發為協同研究者從體驗中形成的信念會透過自然教育轉化為實踐行動;及體認到自然教育者要在童年時期提供孩子進入自然的機會作為培養孩童的沃土。 最後,依據研究結果與發現,提出對解說員、自然教育及未來研究的建議。


Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore how these amateur natural educators found “the meaning of life”, searched for “Self”, and got the transpersonal experiences when they involved in wilderness. It was expected to find out the “the sound from wilderness” in Taiwan from the journeys of the interviewers. In addition, the study not only expands the aspect of “Transpersonal Psychology” of the local natural education, but also provided some suggestions for natural educators. Adapting the qualitative research method, the study was based on in-depth interviews with three amateur natural educators on their transpersonal experiences. The major conclusions of this study were found as follows: First, there was a step-by-step experiencing process which was from contacting nature, entering nature, getting involved in nature, to dedicating oneself to nature demonstrated from their journeys. Second, the essence of transpersonal experiences included (1) The transpersonal experience was unexpected happening, when they made really concentration upon natural environment. Besides, a transpersonal experience could be easily increased as it began. (2) In order to obtain a transpersonal experience, contacting with natural environment constantly and absorbedly was the basic point, while opening one’s mind to communicate with nature was another key point. (3) Fifteen feelings and descriptions were found regarding to the transpersonal experiences. Third, the transpersonal experiences from wilderness may affect (1) Personal experience;(2) The effect of natural education;(3) Personal adaptation toward pressure;(4) The lift of one’s confidence;(5) The apprehension of inwardness / spirituality;(6) The choices and meaning of life. Fourth, the meaning of transpersonal experiences that their conviction was through experiencing would be put into actions by natural education. In addition, natural educators need to provide children with opportunities to enter nature while they are growing up. Finally, the study provided some suggestions to interpreters, natural educators and researchers according to the results.


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