  • 學位論文


The Connection between Participations of Cultural Activities and Life Styles in Community Inhabitants

指導教授 : 柯正峰


社區居民文化活動參與和生活型態關係之研究-以新莊文藝中心為例- ----摘 要---- 文化活動(cultural activities)與文化建設成果,是衡量一個國家精神生活水準的重要指標。生活型態是一個人或一個群體的整個生活模式和日常行為,從生活型態(life style)可以了解參與文化活動者的興趣、想法、意見,且有助於文藝中心的行政工作人員市場分析與定位,要舉辦何種類型的文化活動,如何的行銷活動。因此,本研究就以文化活動類型為區隔,分析各類型觀眾的生活型態,據此作為新莊藝文中心在推展活動上的參據,近一步了解附近居民的生活與文化活動參與情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以新莊文藝中心附近的居民為研究對象,共回收有效問卷702份,依據研究目的與研究假設,以SPSS統計分析針對研究變項進行資料分析及檢定。研究之重要結論如下: 一、人口統計變項方面 (一)附近居民受訪者女性較男性多;年齡大部分是31-50之間;教育程度以高中/職所佔比率最高;職業以從事工者及家管最多。 (二)居民居住時間超過11年以上,佔很高的比率,生活穩定,遷移次數減少。 (三)月平均收入大多在40,000元以下,收入不算高。 二、文化活動參與方面 (一)最近ㄧ年內均未參與文化活動的佔了七成,文化活動的參與次數偏低。 (二)文化活動參與的類型以音樂和展覽較受歡喜。 (三)教育程度較高、收入方面愈高者參與文化活動次數愈多。 (四)職業別是軍警公教人員,參與的比率較高;在收入方面愈高者參與音樂、舞蹈、戲劇的次數也愈多。 (五)性別與觀賞文化活動只是微弱的相關,男女性別參與程度相差不大。 (六)居住地區愈近,欣賞文化活動的頻率就愈高。 (七)在居住時間長短方面,跟觀賞文化活動無任何相關。 (八)舉辦戶外廣場表演也是推展文化活動的好場所 三、文藝中心的行銷宣傳 居民知道文藝中心活動的相關內容從路邊的廣告與旗幟獲得訊息的佔最多;其次是親友與其他類。 四、文藝中心的使用情形 居民到文藝中心各場地,主要還是到演藝廳與展覽廳欣賞文化活動,其次是在戶外廣場看表演。 五、生活型態方面 (一)傾向於社交參與:教育程度越高,職業公教軍警較為明顯;有參與文化活動也比從未參加者較為明顯。 (二)傾向於消費理財:年齡以31~40歲41~50歲較重視消費理財;教育程度越高,職業公教軍警也較為明顯;有參與文化活動次數越多越重視消費理財。 (三)傾向於居家生活:教育程度越高,職業公教軍警也較為明顯;在性別上也有顯著差異;有參與文化活動次數越多越重視居家生活。 (四)傾向於休閒活動:年輕越輕則較重視休閒活動;有沒有參與文化活動倒是無關休閒活動。 (五)傾向於價值觀:在性別上有顯著差異;在參與文化活動上只有音樂方面和價值觀有顯著相關。 綜合本研究分析結論,分別針對政府相關單位、新莊文藝中心及附近居民提出以下建議: 一、對於政府相關單位的建議 (一)增建多功能文藝中心,提供更多的機會。 (二)訂立文化活動消費鼓勵措施。 二、對於新莊文藝中心的建議 (一)加強文化活動的宣傳與行銷,提升文藝中心的功能。 (二)依據便利性原則,妥善規劃及增加文藝活動參與的地點。 (三)先推動以親子同樂為主的文化活動,帶動居民文化素養。 (四)加強軟硬體設備、館員正式編制化、提高素資及服務品質。 (五)加強與附近公家機關與學校的溝通與聯絡。 (六)推動文化禮券與票價優惠方案。 三、對於附近居民的建議 (一)做好時間安排與規劃,工作、休閒、學習適當分配。 (二)改變家庭休閒習慣、消費習慣,增加在文藝活動的時間與經費。 (三)積極參與文化活動,提升自身的文化素養。 關鍵字:生活型態、文化活動、新莊文藝中心


The Connection between Participations of Cultural Activities and Life Styles in Community Inhabitants Take Sinjhuang city culture&arts center as an Example Abstract Cultural activities and cultural promotion results are crucial elements to measure a country’s mental life standard. Life styles are the whole life patterns and daily behaviors of an individual or a group of people. We can understand what a cultural participant’s interests, ideas and opinions by way of life styles. And it’s also helpful for those administrators in the art center to perform marketing analysis in order to make sure what kind of cultural activities are suitable to hold and how to promote them. Thus, this research is to analyze different life styles among those participants basing on different forms of cultural activities. And it is going to be taken as a reference of how to promote activities for Sinjhuang city culture&arts center in order to know more about the nearby inhabitants’ lives and how they involve in the cultural activities. Through questionnaires for those people who live near Sinjhuang city culture&arts center, 702 effective questionnaires are recollected. Based on the goal and hypothesis of this research, the SPSS statistic analysis is applied to analyze and test the data of those variables in the research .The key conclusions are as follows: A.The variables in population statistic: a.More females than males receive the interview. Their age range goes from 31 to 50. Most of them graduated from high schools or professional high schools. Their vocations are mainly labor or homemaking. b.Those inhabitants who dwell there for more than 11 years take a high percentage. Their lives are stable and they rarely move. c.Their monthly income is under 40,000NT, which is not high. B.The current situations of cultural activities participation a.People who have never joined any cultural activities take 70%. They tend to have lower participation. b.Concerts and exhibitions are more popular among types of various activities. c.People who have higher level of education and income tend to participate more. d.People who serve in the government, army, police and schools tend to have higher participation. People with higher income participate more in music, dancing and plays. e.Sexuality has a weak influence. Females and males almost have equal participations. f.People who live closer to the center have more participation. g.There is no any connection between how long a person has lived there and how much participation one involves. h.It’s also helpful to promote cultural activities through holding square performance outdoors. C.The ads of the culture&arts center Inhabitants acquire the related activity information mainly from roadside ads and banners. Information from friends or relatives is the second resource. D.The current situations of the center. Inhabitants like to go to the performance hall and exhibition hall most to appreciate those cultural activities. The outdoor performance is their second choice. E.The phenomenon of life style a.Tendency to social participation:Those who have higher level of education and those who serve in government, army, police and schools have a more positive attitude toward participation. People who have experiences of cultural participation take a higher percentage than those who have never participated. b.Tendency to consume and wealth management Those who are between 31 to 40, 41 to 51 years old value more on consume and wealth management. Those who have higher level of education together with those who serve in government, army, police and schools own a more obvious tendency. Those who participate more value consume and wealth management more. c.Tendency to domestic life: Those who are mentioned above in point a have sexual difference, and have a positive relation with how they value their domestic life. d.Tendency to leisure activities: The younger person value more on leisure activities. There is no connection between cultural activity participation and leisure activity participation. e.Tendency to values: There is an obvious difference with sexuality. Only music has an obvious connection with values in cultural activities participation.


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