  • 學位論文


The Reaserch of the Role and Function in Administrative Corporation of the National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center

指導教授 : 林靜 林勇


民國六十四年,為紀念先總統 蔣公逝世,特成立中正紀念堂以建立我國第一個國家級表演藝術中心,其間經歷組織定位不明、並受限於原有行政機關型態限制與重重法令枷鎖,直至民國八十一年方以「國立中正文化中心」為正式名稱,之後為因應國際潮流及國內聲浪而進行多方評估,至民國九十三年一月九日由立法院三讀通過,同年三月一日便以行政法人制度訂定國立中正文化中心長年以來無法解決之定位方向,也為我國目前唯一之國際級演藝中心帶來有別於原有行政體系之變革。 本研究為探究國立中正文化中心行政法人化前後角色功能之轉變情形,則採以文獻分析法以及深度訪談法,期望彙整相關藝文團體暨學者專家之觀點與建議,以祈獲得較完善之結論與建議。 經由本研究之深入訪視與文獻資料之彙整結果,發現國立中正文化中心改制行政法人至今角色更具多元,然其功能尚未完全突顯,其中針對企業界與政府等窗口並無明確之角色功能扮演情形,但更突顯出媒合者角色的重要性;而針對未來願景的部分,民間表演藝術團體對國立中正文化中心角色功能具有高度期待。整體而言,民間表演藝術團體針對國立中正文化中心行政法人化一事採認同態度,並認為國立中正文化中心改制行政法人前後之角色功能是存有落差的。 最後於整體歸納分析上,認為國立中正文化中心所應具備九大角色及其對應之窗口分別為:針對企業界之窗口應扮演「媒合者」之角色;針對藝文界各組織間之窗口應扮演「合作與夥伴者、整合者、藝術社群經營者、場地維護與管理者、節目製作者、國際交流者」等角色;針對社會大眾之窗口應扮演「民眾教育者」之角色;而最後針對政府則應扮演「協助與支援者」之角色。另外並建議政府單位增設國際級表演廳院以面對未來國際上各大演藝中心之挑戰,並為我國徹底解決場地短缺與檔期恐慌之現象。


In 1975, Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall was established as the first national performing arts center in memory of the former president Chang Kai-Shek. However, this organization had not been granted a decided status because of the limitation of the administration organization system and lots of laws until the year of 1992 when it was officially named National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center. Afterward, its system was assessed many times in order to go with the international trend and domestic opinion; then the Administrative Corporation was passed by the Executive Yuan at the Third Reading on January 9, 2004. Through this system, the only international performing arts center in Taiwan was reformed and its long-term problem of uncertain status was also solved on March 1, 2004. In this research, I want to probe into the different roles and functions before and after the Administrative Corporation in National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center through literature analysis and deep interview. Besides, I hope to collect opinions and advices from related arts groups, scholars and experts in order to get the best conclusion and suggestion. By literature analysis and deep interview, I find National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center has more different roles after the Administrative Corporation, but it is still not fully- functioned, especially as a broker to business and government. In the part of Future Envision, non-governmental performing arts groups have great expectations to National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center. In sum, non-governmental performing arts groups approve Administrative Corporation of National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center, and they think there are gap between the former and later roles of National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center.


