  • 學位論文


A Narrative Inquiry of Career Anchor for Adventure Education Facilitators

指導教授 : 何英奇


本研究旨在探討國內探索教育引導人員之生涯重心與生涯發展歷程,及其創業之因素。研究方法為敘說研究(narrative inquiry),研究對象為國內四位探索教育引導人員,年齡介於三十至五十歲,具有五年以上的活動領導經驗,也是國內探索教育機構之負責人。透過半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,資料分析採編碼、歸納、抽取主題等方式,最後建構四位受訪者的「生命故事」及其生涯重心、生涯發展歷程以及創業因素。 本研究的發現如下: 一、受訪者的生涯重心類型可分為「生命探究」、「專業能力」、「企業經營」、「自我實現」等四種類型;二、受訪者的發展歷程可分為「啟蒙探索期」、「經驗累積期」、「蟄伏轉折期」、「專業學習期」、「創業發展期」等五個階段。三、影響四位受訪者創業之因素包括「個人因素」與「社會變遷」兩者,其中「個人因素」涵蓋了「商場經驗」、「赴美接受探索教育引導人員訓練」、「戶外活動經驗」、「家庭支持」;而「社會變遷」方面涵蓋了「國內大專院校設置探索教育課程」、「九年一貫課程設有探索教育」、「美國PA公司授權在台成立機構」、「企業組織引入探索教育發展人力資源」;四、四位受訪者之生涯發展模式之特色可分為「一本初衷」、「蓄勢待發」、「勢如破竹」、「四平八穩」四種;五、其創業歷程可分為「創業維艱期」、「破繭而出期」、「多元發展期」等三期。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,供未來探索教育之開發和研究之參考。 關鍵字:探索教育、探索教育引導人員、生涯發展、生涯重心


The purpose of this study was to understand the types of career anchors of the adventure education facilitators and the stages of their career development, and to explore the factors which influencing their undertaking. Qualitative research was designed with narrative inquiry, four adventure education facilitators with ages ranged between 25 and 40 , and all of them have worked for at least five years with their job, volunteered to participate in the study, interview guide approach and in-depth interview were adopted for data collection. The open-coding method was used to analysis the processes of the career development and the types of their career anchors. The results were showed with adventure education facilitators’「life story」: The main findings were as follows: 1、 The types of adventure education facilitators’ career anchors were divided into four categories, namely, exploration to the meaning of life, professional competence, entrepreneurial administration and self-realization. 2、 The career developmental process of the adventure education facilitators were divided into five stages:the period of irradiative exploration, the period of dormant and transition, the period of professional learning, the period of experience accumulation, and the period of enterprise. 3、 The factors influencing the adventure educations to star an enterprise included “Individual factors”and “Social change”. Individual factor embraces”Business experience”、”Critical event”、”Outdoor activities background” and “The support from family”;Social change embraces “The university set up the adventure education classes in Taiwan”、”The innovations of the education including adventure education”、”The PA company set up institution in Taiwan”、”The efficiency and vision of the entrepreneurial organization”. 4、 The career developmental model included four types, the first types is that people who finish everything based his original intention, the second situation is that people who brace for the challenge, the third types is that people who reach the new goal all before it, the last type is that people who live his life smoothly and steadily. 5、 The operate process of the business with the four adventure education facilitators involve three stages, the period of arduous, the period of interim,and the period of diversification. Lastly, the limitations ,implications and recommendations of this study based on these discussions are suggested. Key words:Adventure Education、Facilitator、Career Development、Career Anchor


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