  • 學位論文


A Study of the Implementation and Influential Factors of Experimental Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum in High Schools

指導教授 : 甄曉蘭


人文及社會科學領域在當前教育政策與教育實際場域中,往往遭受忽視,本研究基於對人文及社會科學領域的關懷,因而探討高中人文社會資優班課程實施歷程,了解影響高中人文社會資優班課程實施的相關因素。主要研究目的有三: 一、瞭解人文社會資優班的緣起與課程實施現況。 二、探討人文社會資優班課程實施的成效與限制。 三、釐清影響人文社會資優班課程實施的因素。 本研究採取質性研究法,以建國中學人文社會資優班為研究對象,研究期程自2005年9月至2006年5月,透過觀察與訪談蒐集相關資料,並輔以文件資料的補助,以了解教師、學生、課程與環境四面向對於課程實施所造成的影響。綜合研究結果,獲得以下結論: 一、教師主動性是人文社會實驗課程落實的重要關鍵; 二、成立人文社會資優班有助於男校人文社會人才的培養; 三、校外資源的協助有益於人文社會資優班的推行; 四、升學主義影響學生投入程度及高三課程規劃方式; 五、社會刻板印象與價值觀衝擊男校人文社會資優班的實踐; 六、高中人文社會資優班有助於及早激發學生興趣及培育相關知能。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,並依據研究限制與困難提出後續研究的展望。


The field of Humanities and Social Sciences has long been ignored by the educational systems in Taiwan. Based on my concern of Humanities and Social Sciences, this study is to explore the process and it influential factors in the implementation of experimental Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum in high schools. The main purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To understand the origin and current situation of Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum. 2. To investigate the effects and constraints of experimental Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum. 3. To analyze the factors that influence the implementation of experimental Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum. This study was conducted from September 2005 to May 2006 in the Advanced Placement Class of Humanities and Social Sciences in ChienKuo High School. The methods applied in this study include the classroom observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis. There are six conclusions resulted from this study: 1. The initiative taken by the teacher is the key factor in the enactment of experimental curriculum. 2. Setting up the experimental class is helpful for developing talent in Humanities and Social Sciences at boys' high school. 3. The external resources help enhancing the implementation of experimental curriculum. 4. The pressure of college entrance exam affects students’ involvement in curriculum and the school curriculum plan for students in the final year of high school. 5. The social stereotypes and values have profound impacts on the implementation of the Advanced Placement Class of Humanities and Social Sciences in boys' high school. 6. An Advanced Placement Class of Humanities and Social Sciences in High School helps promoting students’ interests and developing their relative abilities at earlier stage. Finally, suggestions and prospects for future practice and research are provided in this thesis.


