  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impact of the Learning Experiences in Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum in High School on Learning and Life Experience in College

指導教授 : 甄曉蘭


台北市高中人文社會資優班歷經至今,已邁入第六年的耕耘。本研究基於就學習持久性的關懷,因而探討高中人文社會資優班畢業生在後續發展的概況,找出能影響學生後續發展之學習經驗範圍,作為日後台灣高中教育繼續發展人文社會素養培育的參考。主要研究目的有三: 一、歸納高中人文社會資優班學習經驗之回顧。 二、瞭解高中人文社會資優班畢業生目前大學生活之概況。 三、探究高中人文社會資優班學習經驗對其大學學習生活產生影響。 本研究採質性研究取向,資料蒐集的時間為2009年的5月至2010年的3月,透過半結構式的焦點團體訪談追蹤台北市建國中學以及中山女高人文社會資優班十六位畢業生在大學生活的後續發展。綜合研究發現,本研究獲得以下研究結論: 一、高中人文社會資優班時期重要他人的影響可分為正向人生觀的追尋以及社會資本的累積。 二、專題研究所提供的學習經驗成為日後大學學習生活中有用的先備知識。 三、學習接納和尊重與自己學習程度不一的同儕為高中人文社會資優班畢業生在大學生活中的一大挑戰。 四、高中的課程設計與老師指導方式間接造成高中人文社會資優班畢業生在大學與他人互動之差異。 最後,依據研究結果,提出對於推廣人文社會資優班以及後續研究之相關建議。


Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum in High School (HSSCHS) has been implemented in Taipei City for six years. Based on the concern for learning persistent, this study is aimed to investigate the learning experience and performance in the college of those who attended the HSSCHS. The main purposes of this study are: 1.To summary the learning experiences in HSSCHS. 2.To understand the college life experience of those who graduated from HSSCHS. 3.To explore the impacts of the learning experiences in HSSCHS on their college learning and life experience. Group interview method was applied in this study for qualitative analysis. Sixteen college students in total who participated in the Advanced Placement Class of HSSCHS in ChienKuo High School and Zhongshan Girls High School were interviewed during the period from May 2009 through March 2010. The findings of this study are as followings: 1.The impacts from the significant others in Advanced Placement Class of HSSCHS on the students include the pursuit of positive life values and the accumulation of social capital. 2.The learning experiences from the monographic study in Advanced Placement Class of HSSCHS became the useful prior knowledge for coursework and life challenges in college. 3.One of the major challenges for the students graduated from Advanced Placement Class of HSSCHS in the college is to learn how to accept and respect other peers with low academic performance. 4.Curriculum design and teachers guide in Advanced Placement Class of HSSCHS indirectly led to the differences interaction with others in the college learning and life experience. Based on the research findings, suggestions are provided for the implementation of HSSCHS as well as for the future research.




