  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 莊萬壽


本研究著眼於目前眾所關注的台灣海洋研究,並採用前人在此領域尚未接觸過的神話傳說與民間故事為題材,以立基海洋的新角度、新視野來重新評估其價值。台灣向來在海洋思想、海洋生活上都處於薄弱狀態,透過本文對於神話傳說與故事的整理找出一些早已存在,卻被潛藏著的海洋思考脈絡。本文著手建立「台灣海洋神話傳說與故事」,並討論神話傳說與故事中,台灣人如何將他們所接觸的海洋表現在其中,使此一議題成為建構台灣海洋文化的一部份。 本文在第一章說明本研究的題目界定、研究方法等體例,第二章以下至第七章為本論,共分六章,以台灣神話傳說與故事中所出現與海洋相關的人事物分成「台灣海洋民族與海襲神話」以台灣原住民具備的「海襲神話」為研究對象,「台灣海洋的地理傳說」是討論台灣海洋與沿海的地景傳說、「海洋交通與海洋工具的傳說」範圍包含島嶼間的交流與航海用的工具由來傳說、「台灣海洋生物傳說」討論在台灣所出現的海洋生物傳說、「台灣海洋信仰傳說」討論原住民與閩客移民對於海洋信仰的、「台灣海洋人物傳說」以台灣人物中與海洋有密切相關的人物傳說為主,本研究主分這六大部分,以構成本研究的研究目標-「台灣海洋神話傳說與故事」的主要內容,並從中論述台灣海洋文化的存在。 最後一章為結論,以四種海洋文化面向來整理本論中對於台灣神話傳說與故事的海洋性分析,最後以榮格心理學學說證明台灣人海洋精神藉由神話傳說與故事來保存與流傳的論點,並於第二節總結「台灣海洋神話傳說與故事」出現的事實,藉由這些台灣海洋神話傳說,推演出台灣海洋神話傳說與故事中所出現的文化演變,並提出台灣海洋神話傳說與故事的集大成者的看法。 本文著眼「海洋文化」是台灣天生文化的一環,可以建立台灣文化成為一個獨立主體性的文化實體,重點在於振興台灣這塊土地上的人民生活的精神思想、文化觀念,讓台灣的海洋文化不再只是一個空虛名詞。


This research focuses on the Taiwanese marine study which is deeply concerned nowadays. We adopt the materials about myths, legends and folktales which have never been used in this field before. Based on the marine point of view, we re-evaluate the value of marine study. It has been very weak in maritime thought and maritime life of Taiwan.Therefore, this research can show the contexts of maritime thought in the marine legends and stories which have been for a long time but hiden. We would lik to establish Taiwanese marine myths and legends and make this issue become a part of Taiwanese maritime culture by means of discussing how Taiwanese people who were engaged in the maritime life could show their maritime thoughts in these stories. Chapter One explains the topic and the research methodology. From Chapter Two to Chapter Seven are the main texts. Based on Taiwanese myths and legends concerning maritime personages and matters, we divide them into Taiwanese maritime ethnic group and ocean attack()myths which Taiwanese aboriginals possess.The maritime myths and legends of Taiwanese geography discuss the geographical legends of seas and coastlines of Taiwan. The range of marine transportation and marine instruments includes the origins of legends of the transportation between islands and the instruments which are used in sailing. The legends of Taiwanese marine creatures discuss the legends of marine creatures which appeared in Taiwan. The legends of Taiwanese marine religion discuss in what Taiwanese aboriginals and Min&ke settlers believe. The legends of Taiwanese maritime personages discuss Taiwanese personages who are related to marine life. This study includes six partsXthey construct the target of this research and discuss the existense of Taiwanese maritime culture. The last chapter is my conclusion. Based on four aspects of maritime culture, we collect Taiwanese myths and legends and anlayze their maritime thoughts. In conclusion, we prove with Jungs psychoanalysis that Taiwanese marine spirit which has been preserved and spread by means of Taiwanese marine myths and legends. In section Two, we conclude the facts Taiwanese maritime myths and legends By means of these myths and legends, we deduce the cultural development, in conclusion we propose the perspective of an agglomeration of Taiwanese marine myths and legends. This study thinks maritime culture is one part of Taiwanese native culture. It can establish taiwnese culture as an independent subjectival entity. The point is reviving the spirits and cultural perspectives of Taiwanese people, making Taiwanese maritime culture is not just a hollow substantive.




