  • 學位論文


A Study of the Developmental Components in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults, and their Relevant Influence Factors

指導教授 : 林美和


中 文 摘 要 論文題目:中年人生命期發展內涵及其影響因素之研究 系 所:國立台灣師範大學社會教育學系碩士班 指導教授:林美和 教授 研究生:王靖惠 中年是一個在家庭、工作及社會中扮演新角色的自我成長時期,也是成人一生中重要的發展階段,在此時期生命繼續前進、不斷開展,可能同時面臨家庭及事業的重大轉折,具有承先啟後之性質。本研究以40至60歲、已婚並有子女的中年人為研究對象,旨在瞭解中年人生命期發展的內涵,探討不同影響因素變項(性別、年齡、教育程度、宗教信仰、職業及自覺身心健康狀況)的中年人生命期發展內涵之差異,並分析影響因素變項對中年人生命期發展之預測程度。 研究以問卷調查方式進行,研究者經由文獻探討,綜合國內外相關理論與研究成果,參酌國內既有量表,設計「中年人生命期發展問卷」為研究工具,問卷分為「個人基本資料」及「中年人生命期發展」兩部分,研究對象的選取採立意抽樣方式,請台灣北中南七所公私立國中及高中職的學生家長,以及台東社會教育館和台北市敬老大學之學員填答,共計發出410份問卷,取得296份有效樣本,回收問卷以統計套裝軟體SPSS13.0進行資料分析,以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t考驗、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析等方式處理。本研究獲致以下發現: 一、受試的中年人自我評估健康情況良好。 二、中年人生命期發展內涵分為健康與休閒活動、婚姻與家庭生活、人際與社會關係及工作與事業成就四個層面。 三、所有影響因素變項中,身心健康狀況最能解釋生命期發展的差異性。 根據研究發現,本研究歸納結論如下: 一、四個生命期發展內涵對中年人而言均非常重要。 二、中年人生命期內涵以婚姻與家庭生活層面的發展最好。 三、影響中年人生命期發展內涵的因素有性別、年齡、教育程度、職業和身心健康狀況。 四、身心健康狀況是預測中年人的生命期發展情形的重要因素,二者之間相互影響。 根據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對中年人的建議 (一)發展應著重在四個面向的經營 (二)兼顧家庭與事業間的平衡 (三)保持身心健康,儲蓄發展所需之能量 (四)參與學習以因應發展需求 二、對成人教育者之建議 (一)以中年人發展內涵來規劃學習活動 (二)針對中年人的發展特性提供不同的課程與教學型態 三、進一步研究之建議 (一)可將不同婚姻狀況及子女數的中年人納入研究範圍 (二)輔以個案訪談或後設分析方式來瞭解發展的不同面貌 (三)增加變項來探討發展情形,如婚姻狀況、居住情況、收入、子女數、學習狀況及特殊生命事件發生時機等 (四)未來研究主題可增加討論面向,如心靈及精神發展、人格及情緒管理、公民素養及社會責任或中年人的生涯轉換等


ABSTRACT A Study of the Developmental Components in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults, and their Relevant Influence Factors Adviser: Professor Lin Mei-Ho Researcher: Wang Ching-Hui The main purpose of this study is to examine key developmental components in the life-course of middle-aged adults in Taiwan, and specifically exploring factors that potentially impact and/or predict events in these developmental components during the mid-life period. Based on a review of the relevant literatures concerning mid-life development, this study was conducted by means of a questionnaire, designed by the researcher, entitled "Developmental Issues in the Life-course of Middle-aged Adults." The subjects of the survey possess the following characteristics: 40 to 60 years of age, married with one or more children. The sample size is 296. The statistical principles of data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. According to a self-evaluation, the subjects are in a good health. 2. Four salient developmental components of middle-aged adults can be identified: health and leisure activities, marital and family life, interpersonal and social relationships, and work and career achievement. 3. The most important factor in explaining differences in life-course development is the subject's health status. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. Four key dimensions of life-course development identified above are truly important. 2. The core developmental component for middle-aged adults is marital and family life. 3. Factors that impact the four components for middle-aged adults include gender, age, educational background, type of occupation and health status. 4. Health status is the most important factor in predicting the developmental condition for middle-aged adults, and vice versa. Based on the above conclusions, this study has proposed several recommendations: 1. Suggestions for middle-aged adults (1) Focusing on the management of the four key developmental components. (2) Balancing family life and professional achievement. (3) Maintaining a sound state of health, in order to cultivate the energy needed for optimal development. (4) Participating in learning activities which fulfill developmental needs. 2. Suggestions for adult educators (1) Designing learning activities according to the above developmental components. (2) Providing the varied programs and teaching styles based on middle-aged adults’ characteristics. 3. Suggestions for further research (1) Expanding the scope of subjects to include middle-aged adults with a wider variety of marital statuses, as well as a different number of children. (2) Employing methods other than a survey, such as interviews or meta-analysis. (3) Adding other variables, such as marital status, geographical location of subjects, family income, number of children, learning conditions, and the timing of specific life events. (4) Furthering studies such as mental and spiritual development, personality and emotional management, civic involvement, social responsibility, and career transition could be under consideration.


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