  • 學位論文


A Study On Cross-strait Cultural Exchanges and Cultural Development Policies(1987--1997)

指導教授 : 柯三吉


自一九八七年十一月二日中華民國政府開放民眾赴大陸探親﹐海峽兩岸跨出了歷史性的一大步﹐改變了近四十年隔絕對峙的局勢﹐開啟了兩岸民間的接觸與交流﹐使兩岸關係邁入新的旅程?茪Q多年來﹐隨著兩岸社會文化交流日趨熱絡開放﹐帶動了「中國大陸問題」的研究風潮﹐故於思索台灣地區文化建設與文化發展課題之餘﹐更積極展開對中國大陸社會文化的認識與研究﹐以分析比較兩岸文化環境與文化政策的差異與變革﹐並專注於交流過程中所衍生的文化衝突現象﹐進而探求未來文化整合的方法與路徑?? 本研究以文化為主體﹐從兩岸文化交流、衝突、整合三個面向﹐建構兩岸關係的文化網絡﹐就兩岸文化交流政策制定與執行﹐探索交流的過程與功能﹐了解開放探親後兩岸社會連結關係的變化﹐進而分析兩岸文化的衝突與屏障﹐並藉由檢視兩岸文化建設的經驗與挑戰﹐規劃兩岸文化發展與文化整合的路向﹐期盼兩岸資訊與文化於廣泛、長期交流後﹐促使兩岸人民在思維上更具時代特色﹐培養多元化的意識﹐求同存異增進文化共識﹐追求普世文化價值理想﹐以消弭兩岸文化衝突﹐進而建構理性和平的兩岸關係?荅鰼N本文各章之安排與內容重點簡述如下﹕ 第一章為「緒論」﹐介紹本文之研究動機與目的、研究方法與範圍、及研究架構與限制?? 第二章為「文化交流、衝突、整合與兩岸關係∼網絡分析(Network Analysis)的研究取向」﹐探討兩岸關係的發展帶動兩岸學術研究熱潮﹐介紹網絡分析的理論與研究方法﹐並嘗試建構「兩岸關係的文化網絡」之分析架構﹐做為本研究的基礎?? 第三章為「兩岸文化交流政策制定的背景與意涵」﹐探討兩岸分治以來﹐大陸與台灣地區各自在文化思潮、文化環境、及文化價值等政策環境背景因素的變遷情形﹐並說明系絡因素對政策制定與執行的影響?? 第四章為「兩岸文化交流政策的制定與執行」﹐介紹「系統、內容、系絡與政策執行」的政策分析理論﹐剖析中共對台暨台灣對大陸文化交流的策略與內容﹐文化交流政策執行的功能效益與文化衝突困境﹐及其對兩岸關係的影響與檢討?? 第五章為「兩岸文化建設與文化發展的經驗與挑戰」﹐分析台灣文化建設政策與大陸精神文明建設政策的意義、內容、目標、執行情形與問題困境﹐及對各自文化發展的影響﹐並提出未來兩岸政府在文化政策與文化行政方面應有的策進方向?? 第六章為「建構兩岸和平新秩序的文化策略」﹐說明兩岸整合的文化策略的意義與文化霸權形成的因素﹐強調文化寬容的理性特點﹐及建構公民民族意識化解台灣意識與中國意識的衝突?茬W擘兩岸文化交流的藍圖與文化發展的願景﹐提出兩岸文化交流與文化發展向上提升的策略與具體作法﹐以為今後兩岸和平發展與交流協商政策的參考?? 第七章為「結論與建議」﹐除摘要本研究的發現外﹐並提出個人的心得與建議


A Study On Cross-strait Cultural Exchanges and Cultural Development Policies (1987-1997) Abstract Focusing on culture as the subject matter, this thesis attempts to describe the cultural network in cross-strait relations from three approaches -- cultural exchanges, conflicts, and integration. Beginning with a review on the forming and implementation of policy on cross-strait cultural exchanges, this thesis examines the process and function of these exchanges to find the changing social linkages after Taiwan liberalized family visits to the Mainland, and then analyzes the cultural conflicts and barriers therefrom. By looking deeply into the experiences and challenges facing cultural development on the two sides, the thesis provides perspectives of cross-strait cultural development and integration. It is hoped that after extensive and long-term information and cultural exchanges, the peoples on the two sides can have new thinking, develop a wide spectrum of ideologies, promote cultural consensus by expanding similarities and reducing differences, and pursue universal values. Only by conaucting so can cultural conflicts between the two sides be dispelled and rational and peaceful cross-strait relations be fostered. Chapters of this thesis are summarized as follows: 1. Introduction This chapter gives an overview of the research motive, purpose, methodology, parameters, framework and limitations. 2. Cultural exchanges, conflicts, integration and cross-strait relations - a network analysis. This chapter studies the development in cross-strait relations and subsequent boom in academic research, introduce the theory and methodology of network analysis, and tries to establish an analytic framework for "cross-strait cultural network." 3. Background and substance of the policy on cross-strait cultural exchanges. This chapter studies the changing cultural concepts, environment, and value systems since the two sides fell under separated jurisdictions and explains the influence from network factors on policy-making and implementation. 4. Formation and implementation of policy on cross-strait cultural exchanges. This chapter introduces the policy-analysis theory of "system, contents, and network and policy implementation." It then explores the PRC's and the ROC's strategies on cross-strait cultural exchanges, the implementations and efficiency of these policies, conflicts and dilemma therein, and the impact on the overall cross-strait relations. 5. Cultural programs and development -- experiences and challenges. This chapter studies the meaning, substances, objectives, implementation, and problems of Taiwan's cultural development policy and the PRC's spiritual civilization policy, and impacts on its cultural development respectively. This chapter also offers an orientation for the governments on the two sides in future policy-making and administrations. 6. Cultural strategy for constructing a peaceful new order for the two sides. This chapter explains the cultural strategies on cross-strait integration and the factors leading to cultural hegemony, emphasizes on the rationality of cultural tolerance, and how to construct a civic nationalist sense to resolve the conflict between "Taiwanese nationalism" and "Chinese nationalism." This chapter also provides a blueprint for future cross-strait cultural exchanges and developments as well as strategies and practices to upgrade these exchanges as a reference for policy-makers in promoting peaceful developments, exchanges,and negotiations between the two sides. 7. Conclusion and suggestions This chapter summarizes the findings in previous chapters and includes personal comments and suggestions.




