  • 學位論文


A Study on Relevant Factors of Computer Learning Achievement of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 蔡錫濤 教授


隨著資訊的蓬勃發展,國中電腦課程教育已然開展,資訊已是人們必備的生活素養。本研究即就影響電腦學習成就的相關因素加以探討,以分層隨機抽樣的方式,共抽取國中生樣本1,224人,進行電腦態度問卷調查,獲得有效樣本1,160人,並蒐集學生的電腦學習成就的成績及智力的百分位數來分析探討。分別以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析來進行資料分析,得到以下的結論: 一、國中生的性別、智力、喜愛科目、家長教育程度及家庭社經地位不同,其電腦態度及電腦學習成就也就有差異。 二、學校班級規模、學校所在地及學校創校歷史不同,學生的電腦態度會有差異,電腦學習成就則沒有顯著的差異。 三、國中生電腦學習經驗愈豐富的,其電腦學習態度愈佳,電腦學習成就也愈好。初學時期不同,電腦態度、電腦學習成就會有差異。 四、國中生家中有電腦設備、有人討論、擁有電腦書籍、擁有電腦雜誌的,其電腦態度、電腦學習成就表現較佳。 五、電腦態度與電腦學習成就及其三個構面認知、技能及情意均有顯著的正相關。 六、對國中生電腦學習成就有顯著預測力的有六個變項:智力、電腦焦慮、性別、班級規模、有無電腦書籍以及每週使用電腦的時數,預測解釋力為78.1%。


In this age of information, information has become an important part of our life. Due to this demand, computer education has been recognized its importance and added to our junior high school curriculum. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that affect computer learning achievement of junior high school students. The method used here is by random survey. A sample size of one thousand two hundred and twenty four junior high school students were chosen. These samplers were asked about their attitude towards computer learning. Samplers’ grades of Computer course and intelligence quotient (IQ) were examined for relation. A total of 1,160 students out of 1,224 were valid samplers. T-test, One-way ANOVA, Person Product-moment Correlation and multiple regression were applied in the examination. The results are as follows: A.Student’s gender, IQ, subject preference, parent’s educational level and social status have correlation with their computer attitude and computer learning achievement. B.Class size, school location and school’s historical development have correlation with student’s computer attitude; however, computer learning achievement is not correlated with these variables. C.The more computer-learning experience a student has, the better computer attitude he/she has. So is his/her computer learning achievement. Starting learning computer at different age will result in the difference in computer attitude and learning achievement. D.Students with home computer facilities, with people to discuss with, and with computer books or magazines have better attitude as well as learning achievement in computer. E.There is significant correlation among computer attitude, learning achievement and the three aspects: cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. F.There are six valid predictive factors: IQ, computer anxiety, gender, class size, access to computer books, and weekly computer usage hours. The predictive accuracy value was 78.1%.


