  • 學位論文


A Study on the Roles of Human Resource Development Professionals in Organizational Knowledge Creation Activities

指導教授 : 蔡錫濤


本研究採用文獻探討及個案訪談方法,目的在透過訪談個案公司之人力資源主管,實地瞭解企業內人力資源發展專業人員如何有效地參與組織知識創造活動並檢驗其所扮演角色,建立人力資源專業人員推動組織知識創造之實務模式。經由訪問國內四家知名企業人力資源或教育訓練主管後,本研究歸納出人力資源發展專業人員在組織知識創造活動中的六種重要角色類型如下: 一、知識工程師 主要活動包括發展詢問及其他方式等技術來找出特定知識專家、匯集各方反應形成共通模式並根據其專業知識加以驗證、整合新獲得知識到已存在的知識架構中。 二、知識守門員 主要活動為收集外部資訊引導資訊到組織內部合適接收者。 三、知識經紀人 主要活動為執行儲備人才需求。 四、知識媒介交換者 主要活動為瞭解組織問題尋找合適解決人選。 五、知識資產管理員 主要活動為控制與管理組織內知識資產。 六、知識管理指導者 主要活動為協助促進組織內知識的分享。


The purposes of this study were to explore how human resource development professionals could be involved in organizational knowledge creation activities effectively and to investigate the roles needed for human resource development professionals. To fulfill the research purposes, methods of case study and literature review were adopted. After going through the interviews with four directors of human resource department of famous corporations in Taiwan, six different roles of human resource development professionals in organizational knowledge creation activities were identified. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. Knowledge Engineer: Elicits the knowledge of experts by developing skills in asking right questions, making knowledge requests; assembles responses into a pattern and playing back their understanding to verify correct interpretation; integrates new knowledge acquired into the existing knowledge framework. 2. Knowledge Gatekeeper: Collects external materials and directs them to appropriate recipients inside. 3. Knowledge Broker: Performs what is often referred to as the seed function. 4. Knowledge Cross-pollinator: Knows issues concerning organization and who can handle them. 5. Knowledge Asset Manager: Controls and manages the knowledge asset in organization. 6. Knowledge Steward: Helps with the knowledge facilitation and enhances knowledge sharing within organization.


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一、 中文部份


