  • 學位論文


Design and implementation of a Web-based instant interactive messaging system

指導教授 : 葉榮木


全球資訊網(WWW)採用超文字傳輸協定(HTTP),該協定的無狀態式(Stateless)主從傳輸(Client/Server)之特性,不易發展類似電子佈告欄(BBS)及尋人軟體(ICQ)等之連線式的互動功能,使用者間的互動不足。本研究旨在發展一使用者間可即時互動之系統,讓全球資訊網的使用者,在系統主動提示或使用者自然發現對方下,得知其他使用者存在的訊息,可進行即時性的互動。 本研究採用動態伺服器網頁(ASP)之會談物件(Session),來發展模擬連線(Simulative online)的訊息系統,並利用動態伺服器網頁的多網頁應用物件(Application),做為即時訊息暫存區,並以伺服器轉送即時訊息,以及利用使用者端提取(Client pull)方式傳送即時訊息。 另外,本研究實作了一個以全球資訊網為基礎(Web-Based)的即時訊息系統,命名為Web-home(網址:。經過近半年之運作測試及實際之上線使用,Web-home系統可提供全球資訊網的使用者,類似電子佈告欄所提供的即時互動功能,以及其他非即時的互動功能。這些功能可相當容易的套用於社群網站、教學網站,或任何組織與會員或會員與會員間互動之網站上,而且Web-home系統仍維持使用超文字傳輸協定,不再另外開原始網路連線(raw socket connection),不會降低原全球資訊網伺服器(Web Server)的效能。


Due to the protocol's Stateless and Client/Server property in World Wide Web(WWW),It is diffcult to develop online interactive applications such as electronic bulletin board system(BBS) and online pager software(ICQ). On the web, users are unable to interact mutually like online interactive applications. The study is to develop a real-time interactive instant messaging system to provide online interactive applications. In this system , Web can inform users or users notice others online and they can communicate with each others. Active Server Pages (ASP) and it's session object(Session) are used to develop a simulative online messaging system , and the application object of ASP is used as a temporary space for instant messages. The instant messages can be sent by server of this system, and then received by Client. After approximately six months of actual online running and testing, this web-based instant messaging system called Web-home(website: can provide Web users interactive functions as electronic bulletin board system(BBS) and other non real-time interactive functions. This system can also be easily applied to community, educational, or other organization websites that emphasize the interaction among users. Since this system still use HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) without opening a raw socket connection, it won't reduce the efficiency of the Web Server.


Real-time WWW Web-based CSCW Groupway


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