  • 學位論文


A Study of the Managerment Platform of the Collaborative Design Project

指導教授 : 周韻采 張文山


二十一世紀是資訊網路的時代,其主要特色即為全球化、數位化以及個人化,因應全球化的商品行銷策略,導致數位媒體設計產業必須能準確地掌握各地市場反應和地域文化性,為能充分了解區域性市場環境特性,導入適當的設計元素,與該地區域設計師合作可以說是最好的解決方案之一,所以一種遠距離的「合作設計」模式正在蔓延。 而隨著網路技術與資訊傳播科技的進步,經過逐步的研究與討論,發現全球資訊網可以是一個良好的協同設計平台,設計的資訊與內涵可以可以透過網路網路快速的傳輸與取得,讓分散於各地的設計團隊,可以同時共同進行數位媒體設計專案的設計規劃與執行建置。 本論文即在此概念前提下,藉由文獻探討與實務訪談,歸納與分析出數位媒體設計專案,在協同設計模式下的設計運作流程;並分析推導出可供數位媒體設計專案執行參考之相關設計規範與控管文件;以及在網際網路的架構環境下發展出適合於數位媒體設計之專案控管平台,最後期望能藉由設計專案過程的控管與設計內涵的全面性紀錄與規範,進而發展出完整之數位媒體設計知識庫。


The 21st century is already hailed as the era of the Internet, characterized by globalization, digitalization and personalization. Digital media industry professionals, pursuing strategic marketing on a global scale, must understand and address local market needs in the context of local culture. One of the best ways to take full account of the characteristics of local and regional market needs, and to develop the necessary design approaches, is to collaborate with local designers, in a new type of remote working relationship known as “Collaborative Design”. Recent advances in information technology and distribution have confirmed the Internet as the platform of choice for collaborative design. The Internet allows rapid and easy access to designs and content, allowing widely dispersed design teams to share and contribute to digital media designs, planning and implementation. Under the concept of “Collaborative Design”, this thesis investigates and analyzes the design process and workflow of digital media projects through the study of documentation, writings, interviews and conversations; to devise design guidelines and control schemes as a reference for digital media; to develop a management platform for digital media designs in the context of the Internet, and ultimately, to develop an integrated knowledge base for digital media designs by creating a comprehensive archive and guidelines for the management and process control of design and content.


Cleland, D. I. and King, W. R. (1983). System Analysis and Project Management (3rd.ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
