  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 邱美虹


本研究根據專題導向科學學習(Project-Based Science,PBS)之理念以及Krajcik, Czerniak, and Berger (1999)之PBS教學模式設計「彩虹」之科學教學活動以應用在國中學生科學學習上,目的在結合學生日常生活經驗與跨學科之科學概念,並以檔案評量方式融入教學活動,這種活動設計研究者認為符合國內即將實施之九年一貫課程設計的理念。 本研究之研究結果擇要如下: 1.學生能將教學活動中所學得的概念,依據自己的引導問題統整出成果報告。根據學生有條理性、系統化地解釋自己所提出的引導問題,可知學生學到的科學知識是具有完整架構而非片段的概念。 2.在本研究PBS教學中,學生習得「彩虹」產生原理之光學機制、現象描述與區別霓與虹的科學概念。 3.參與本研究之師生皆予正面之評價,亦希望往後能以PBS的方式學習科學。但由於學生第一次接觸PBS教學,遇到與以往不同學習經驗的困難(如思考引導問題、查詢資料、整理與統整資料等困難),在短期內並無法達到增進學生學習動機與後設認知能力的目的。 根據研究結果對PBS做下列的建議: 1.思考引導問題時教師可依「PBS引導問題」的特色引導學生學習,教師可以小組討論的方式引導學生發展引導問題,以符合PBS引導問題的原則。 2.教師應事先針對主題進行資料的蒐集,以提供學生資料的來源或是一些相關的資料。 3.教師應引導學生閱讀資料並將重點紀錄在資料記錄單中,以幫助學生學習整理資料。 4.教師應根據學生的引導問題、蒐集的資料、學生的特質引導學生統整資料完成成果報告。 此外,本研究使用的檔案評量內容分為科學的研究、概念的瞭解、科學的思考、科學的工具和技巧與我的表達能力(National Center on Education and the Economy of University of Pittsburgh, 1997)、進行中的工作與我的資料庫六大類,可使教師和家長能有系統地並完整地了解學生的學習狀況及學生個別化的需求,若教師能利用多元智慧的評量方式將有助於學生發揮自己獨有的潛能。


The main purpose of this study is to design a Project-Based Science (PBS) learning activity for students to develop their literacy in science, based on Krajcik, Czerniak and Berger (1999) teaching model design. The PBS educational model in this study was ‘Rainbow’, which was designed for junior high school students to study science subjects. The design of this study was also planned to match the objectives of newly developed curriculum standards for the first to ninth grade students. The major findings of this research were as follows: 1. Student could use what they learned from the PBS activity; summarized questions, problems, students posed and went about in helping them to understand. Students’ sequential and systematic reasoning to their queries, showed that full understanding of the ‘Rainbow’ concept. 2. The PBS teaching method led the students to understand the fundamental concept of ‘Rainbow’. 3. Teachers and Students who participated in this survey could give their positive views and also emphasized the willingness to use PBS. But, due to the first experience of PBS, students could hardly encounter different learning experience. For example queries arising from their thoughts and research for materials and summarizing the information etc. this did not help the student’s motivation and nor achieved their ability to understand the subject. There are several implications and suggestions from this study: 1. With Students’ queries, teachers can utilize PBS specialty function in promoting their learning in science. Also, the teacher can make use of small group discussions to help students generate problems for PBS activity. 2. Teachers can guide students to complete a research report based upon their posing questions, research data, and their learning characteristics. 3. Teachers can encourage pupils on reading and taking notes of main topics on a notebook, which will help students in organizing of information in future. Also students’ portfolio can be split into scientific, conceptual understanding, scientific thoughts, scientific tools, technique and self-report ability (National Center of University of Pittsburgh, 1997), in which teachers and parents can systematically understand each student’s learning process and his/her needs of learning. Finally teachers can utilize multiple intelligences to promote pupil’s abilities and potential in learning science.


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American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1993). Benchmarks for Science Literacy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


梁 源(2002)。「學習歷程檔案」於國一資優生自然科教學之應用及與後設認知關聯之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2603200719123193
