  • 學位論文


The Study on the Metacognition Performance of Junior High school Students in the Learning of Biology Through Integrated Technology

指導教授 : 張永達


九年一貫新課程國中一年級部分將於九十一學年度開始實施,在國中部分資訊教育課程將由原本獨立排課的電腦課程,改變為融入各學習領域中。這個改革將更落實建構教學的理念,教師應掌握其重要精神,讓學生能善用資訊科技作為學習的工具,在透過資料搜尋、歸納整理、合作且互動的主動學習過程中達成各領域的能力指標,並由活動中培養學生應用資訊科技的能力。 學生在使用資訊科技進行主動學習的過程中必須妥善計畫、達成監控策略的執行並且能自我評估與修正,這些後設認知能力攸關學生在主動學習活動中的學習成效。本研究以「研究者即教學行動者」的方式進行行動研究,利用學習歷程檔案分析、實作觀察及訪談、問卷調查等研究方法,探討國中一年級學生在資訊科技融入生物科教學活動中的後設認知表現,並比較學生在教學活動後其後設認知能力是否改變。 本研究運用質與量的研究方法,發現學生對於利用生物科教學網站的學習以及運用網路資源進行合作學習都抱持正面的態度。在後設認知表現方面,學生在資訊科技融入生物科學習活動中能表現出計畫、監控及評估等多樣的後設認知策略;實驗組學生與對照組學生在使用生物科教學網站時有不同的表現,前者能表現出較多樣的後設認知策略;在使用網路資訊進行分組專題研究並上台報告的合作學習過程中,女學生的合作態度及監控策略的執行效果優於男學生。 本研究的結果與發現可提供國中教師在九年一貫課程設計自然領域教學活動時的參考,本研究也對生物科教學網站建置或互動式教學軟體設計提出建議,期望網路學習環境可以透過妥善的規劃以提升學生在運用時的學習效果。


The aim of this research is for understanding the metacognition performance of junior high school students in the learning of biology through integrated technology, and comparing the metacognition performance of the student before and after the learning activities. The study is based on the action research, the teacher as the researcher. The research instruments including protofolios, classroom observation, semi-structured interview , questionnaires and other related methods. Through the study methods of qualitative and quantitative , the results comes to appear the attitude of the students on learning with computer and by peer collaboration to obtain the resources through internet is positive. Among the research activities, the students perform diverse strategies metacognition including planning, monitoring, and assessment. Differences shows between the experimental grp. and the control grp., the former performed more diverse metacognition strategies than the latter. And the study indicated the sexual differentiation among the learning activities, while the students proceeding group study and peer collaboration through the internet, the cooperative attitude and the executive effect of the monitoring strategy of the girls are better than the boys. According to the results and findings of this study, suggestions for teaching design of 9-integrated science and technology curriculum in junior high school were given. Besides, suggestions for constructing the scientific learning websites and the design of interaction software were given too, those are aimed to promote the study effect for the students in the learning environment through integrated with information technology.


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