  • 學位論文


Developing Children's Number Concept through Game-based learning software

指導教授 : 張國恩


本研究的目的在依幼兒數字概念理論及電腦輔助教學設計原則設計學習軟體,並檢驗其應用效果。研究採單一受試研究法撤回實驗設計,結合觀察和評量的方式收集量和質的資料。研究對象是五名3歲到4歲的幼兒,針對五名個案進行為期四週遊戲式學習軟體學習,實驗過程探討幼兒使用遊戲式學習軟體是否能促進數字概念發展,評量部份包括基數、序數、讀數字、寫數字及判斷數字大小能力表現。 量的資料方面,本研究在教學前、中、後進行「自編數字概念評量」,應用視覺分析法分析這些個案在各項數字概念的學習成效﹔質的資料方面,呈現個案在評量過程中的表現行為,除此之外,觀察個案遊戲的過程,針對操作難度、概念難度及興趣等方面來評估各遊戲單元的設計是否恰當。 研究結果歸納如下:(一)數字概念成效評量結果:本研究所設計的遊戲式學習軟體對受試者的讀數字能力有顯著促進效果,對基數能力、序數能力、寫數字能力及判斷數字大小能力雖有提昇,但不顯著。(二)遊戲單元設計評估結果:本遊戲式學習軟體中除「數字急急棒」操作難度較難外,所有遊戲單元均適合五位受試者。認知難度適中的遊戲單元有「數字拼圖」、「翻牌遊戲」、「數字急急棒」、「連連看」等,而「著色遊戲」、「天降方塊」及「數字拼盤」的概念難度則因人而異。由觀察結果可發現遊戲難度是決定學習興趣的重要因素。


This research adopted the withdrawal design of single subject research design. It combined observation and evaluation to collect quantitative and qualitative information. The subjects were five children of kindergarten, age raging from three to four. This research covered a four-week game-based software learning activities. The software included 7 units that based on children’s number concept theory and CAI design principles was designed and implemented by researcher. To understand the effects of the game-based learning software on number concepts for age 3-4 children, the evaluations of effects included the ability of cardinal number concept, ordinal number concept, reading number word, writing number word and the ability of comparing number. Regarding quantitative information, the evaluation of the effects on the number concepts using "Test of early number concept" designed by the researcher was implemented before, in the process of, and after learning. The vision inspection method was used to analyze the learning effects in the overall performance. With regard to qualitative data, the records of the evaluation process in these cases were described. Moreover, the learning motivation and the degree of manipulation and concept difficulty of game units were observed during the game play. The conclusions of the research were as follows: 1.The effects of number concepts: The effects on the ability of writing number word for the 3 to 4 children by using game-based software were significant, and the ability of cardinal number concept, ordinal number concept, writing number word and the ability of comparing number were not significant. 2.The evaluation of game units: the all units are suitable for 5 children about manipulation except for "number electric shock" unit, "number jigsaw puzzle", "matching number card", "number electric shock", "dot-to-dot" units are suitable for 5 children about concept thinking, "filling colors", "falling blocks", "number jigsaw palette" are suitable about concept thinking depend on children's number concept. From observing learning process, we found degrees of manipulation and concept difficulty are important factors that will influence learning motivation.


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