  • 學位論文


The Adjustment Process of two newcoming kindergarten teachers

指導教授 : 林育瑋


本研究以兩個個案為研究對象,採質性研究取向,透過訪談、觀察、收集文件檔案資料等方式進行資料蒐集,藉以瞭解新進教師在新環境中遭遇到的問題和因應策略;影響其適應歷程的因素;以及其在適應歷程中的關注焦點。本研究發現如下: 一、新進教師所遭遇到的問題及其因應策略 彥容的適應歷程可以分為主教前、正式主教後、進入主題之後三個時期。在主教前彥容面對最大的問題是和合班老師的相處,在彥容主教後兩人關係明顯改善,而彥容的此時所面對則轉為教學和幼兒常規的問題。 對曉溪的適應歷程而言,其最大的問題是與合班老師的相處,曉溪一直努力使兩人在各方面達成一致,但不破壞兩人的和諧關係。曉溪在教學、幼兒常規的處理、和家長的關係上也受她與合班老師相處問題的影響。 在兩位新進教師面對問題的因應策略上,彥容以主動積極地和家長以及合班老師互動,來化解相處的問題。而在幼兒和教學上的問題,則是透過高老師的協助以及自己的觀察學習,漸漸的克服問題。 曉溪則是以不斷的關心、且注意陳老師,來克服他們之間的相處問題。至於兩人在教學和處理幼兒問題做法和看法不同時,曉溪剛開始雖然順著合班老師的方式,但慢慢地她會利用一些機會和陳老師討論教學,並適時的在陳老師面前,以自己的教學方法和處理方法來試圖改變陳老師,陳老師後來確實也有些許的改變。 二、影響新進教師適應的因素 研究發現影響新進教師的適應因素有人格特質、先前經驗、同事、幼兒、朋友/家人。這其中人格特質和合班老師是重要的影響因素。 三、新進教師的關注焦點 兩位老師的關注焦點剛開始皆在自己和合班老師的相處上,後來逐漸轉為教學上和幼兒常規的問題,兩位老師的關注焦點皆屬自我的關注。 四、新進教師的轉變 從研究發現新進教師和合班老師相處的轉變較大,而和幼兒關係以及看法的轉變、教學角色和期望的轉變較少。 最後綜合研究發現,研究者提出對於此研究的想法和建議。


適應歷程 幼稚園 新進教師


The purpose of this study is to examine: 1.What are the adjust problems and coping strategies of the newcoming teachers? 2.What and how do factors influence their adjustment? 3.What are their concerns during the adjustment process? An interpretative study was adopted in this study. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews, and documents (personal journals, teaching journals, metaphor and so on) Two newcoming kindergarten teachers participated in this study. Yen is a novice teacher. Hsiao has more than three-year teaching experiences. I collected data from 1999 August to 2000 March. This study has several findings as following:1.The newcoming teachers are facing two important problematic situations: the interpersonal relationship and the teaching problems. The main problem the newcoming teachers encountered is their relationship with their collaborating teachers. Yen interacted with her collaborating teacher and parents actively to improve her relationship with them. By observing and discussing with her collaborating teacher, Yen overcame discipline of classroom and teaching problems. Hsiao constantly concerned about her collaborating teacher and always attempted to solve their relationship problem. In the beginning, Hsiao followed her collaborating teacher’s methods of teaching when their ideas of classroom management and teaching differed; gradually Hsiao discussed teaching practice with her collaborating teacher in some occasions. And finally she presented her teaching method to change her collaborating teacher. Indeed Hsiao influences her collaborating teacher somewhat. 2.The factors which influence the newcoming teachers include: personal characteristics, earlier experiences, colleagues, friends/families and children. 3.According to Fuller’s teachers’ concerns, both of newcoming teachers focused on self-concerns. 4.The newcomers changed more on her relationship with their collaborating teachers. They changed little on their relationship with children and their viewpoints of children, and on teaching roles.


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