  • 學位論文


Consumer behavior research in womens’ clothing:The differences of family life cycle and social economic status

指導教授 : 周麗端


摘 要 本研究目的係探討不同家庭生命週期與社經背景(社經地位、收入)的婦女,其服裝消費行為的差異情形,進而驗證其對服裝消費行為的解釋或區別力。本研究係採問卷調查法,分層立意抽取台北市20歲以上不同家庭生命週期婦女(單身期、夫婦二人期、子女孕育期、子女教育期與子女成長期)為研究對象,有效樣本計515名。研究工具包括「服裝屬性評估基準量表」、「服裝消費型態量表」與「基本資料」。研究結果主要以卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸與逐步區別分析等進行統計考驗。結果顯示:服裝屬性評估基準方面,1)子女教育期者較單身期與子女孕育期者重視服裝功能性。2)家庭收入高於十萬元以上者亦較低於七萬元者重視服裝表達性。3)以家庭生命週期最能有效解釋婦女對服裝功能性、服裝表達性與服裝外部屬性等評估基準的重視程度。此外,服裝消費型態方面,1)子女教育期與子女成長期者,其消費動機較單身期者具計畫傾向;但其消費頻率,則顯著低於單身期者。2)低社經地位者,其消費動機亦較高社經地位者具計畫傾向。且個人或家庭收入較高者,其消費頻率之購買件數與消費金額亦較高。3)以家庭生命週期最能有效解釋或區別消費動機之「計畫傾向」、消費影響源之「主要消費影響源」與「陪伴者」、消費時間之「頻率」、消費金額之「購買金額」等。綜合研究結果,本研究建議如下:1)服裝相關業者應就不同家庭生命週期之消費特質,建立適切的市場區隔與策略,開發所需服裝商品等。2)教育工作者應加強消費者教育推廣,並將不同特質婦女的服裝消費特質編入相關教科書內。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the differeces of family life cycle (FLC)and social ecnomic status(social position and income) in womens’ clothing consumer behavior. The study uses a questionnaire survey method and stratified sampling. The research chose women over 20 years old living in Taipei in different FLC(N=515). The FLC distinguishes women in 5 different categories as follows: 1)single,2)married without children,3)married with youngest child not over 6 years old,4)married with youngest child over 6 years old,but none are employed,5)married and children are employed. The instruments of this study include “clothing evaluative criteria scale” , “clothing buying patterns” and ”demography”. The clothing evaluative criteria concludes that women in the 4th category place more emphasis on the clothing’s physical performance than those in the 1st and the 3rd category. Women with a greater family income,place more emphasis on apparel expression. By using FLC ,the results efficiently explains women’s preferential choice in aspects of physical performance,expression and extrinsic quality. Regarding buying patterns,it concludes that women in the 4th and 5th categories are most likely to be “planned” buyers ,but quantities of apparel purchase are much lower than those in the 1st categories. Also, women in low-level social position are most likely to be ”planned” buyers. Their expense amount and quantities are also much lower than those in high-level social positions. By using FLC,the results can easily be distinguished and the effects of women’s consumer behavior are clear.If the clothing are those they planned to buy,they depend on which main sources for shopping, and with from whom they are buying. The further objectives of this research are to assist people in related industries. Recognizing the different qualities of FLC,people in the apparel business can more easily establish marketing strategies. Educators can promote the different qualities of FLC and design texts to clarify the results of this study.




