  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Self-concept, Study behaviors and school Adjustment of returned Probationary Students in Vocational Senior High School

指導教授 : 林世華博士


本研究以台北市八十八學年度公立高職的「延修生」51人為研究對象,並以大台北地區實施學年學時制下目前為三年級的「留級生」44人與就讀二年制專科或技術學院一年級的「一般生」44人為參照樣本進行研究,目的在瞭解學年學分制下延修生的自我概念、學習行為與學校適應及其相互之關係。 本研究以「高職學生學習經驗問卷」進行資料之蒐集,調查所得資料以單因子多變項變異數分析比較三組學生在自我概念、學習行為與學校適應的差異,並以典型相關來瞭解自我概念、學習行為及自我概念和學習行為與學校適應的關係。 本研究之重要結論如下: 一、 不同學習結果評定的三組學生,其自我概念有顯著差異,一般生在「一般學業自我概念」、「數理自我概念」與「一般自我概念」三方面,顯著優於延修生;留級生的「數理自我概念」也優於延修生。 二、 不同學習結果評定的三組學生,其學習行為有顯著差異,在「對學校課程態度」、「對老師態度」、「對同學態度」、「學習動機」、「學習方法」與「學習習慣」六方面,一般生顯著高於留級生;「對學校老師態度」、「對同學態度」、「學習方法」、「學習動機」與「學習習慣」五方面,一般生顯著高於延修生;留級生的「學習動機」也顯著高於延修生。在學習動機方面,延修生是三組學生中最弱的。 三、 不同學習結果評定的三組學生,在學校適應四個層面均有顯著差異。一般生在學校適應的任何一個層面,均顯著優於延修生;在「勤學適應」與「同儕關係」上,一般生也顯著高於留級生,在「常規適應」與「師生關係」上,留級生顯著優於延修生。 四、 延修生與一般學生的自我概念與學校適應是有所關連的,延修生只有一組典型相關因素達顯著水準,即是「同儕自我概念」與「同儕關係」最密切;一般生則可以找到兩組達顯著水準的典型相關因素,主要是「一般學業自我概念」與學校適應中的「師生關係」、「勤學適應」較有關係;其次是「同儕自我概念」與「同儕關係」的關連較密,此與延修生之相關組型相近。 五、 留級生與一般生的學習行為與學校適應是有相關的。留級生可以找到兩組顯著的典型相關因素,主要是「學習動機」與「勤學適應」的關係,其次是「對老師態度」與「師生關係」的關連。一般生可以找到三組顯著的典型相關因素,主要是「學習動機」、「學習習慣」與「師生關係」的關連,其次是「對環境態度」與「常規適應」的關連較高,再次則是「學習方法」、「學習習慣」與「勤學適應」的關係較密。 六、 三組學生不同學習結果評定的學生,其自我概念和學習行為與學校適應的關係都有相關。延修生只有一組典型相關因素達顯著水準,主要是「同儕自我概念」與「同儕關係」的相互關係;留級生有兩組典型相關因素達顯著水準,主要是「一般學業自我概念」、「學習動機」與「勤學適應」、「常規適應」的相關較高,其次是「對環境態度」與「勤學適應」的關係較密;一般生有三組典型相關因素達顯著水準,主要是「一般學業自我概念」、「對學校課程、老師的態度」、「學習動機、習慣」與「師生關係」、「勤學適應」關連較大,其次是「同儕自我概念」與「同儕關係」較密切,再次則是「對老師的態度」與「常規適應」關連較密。 七、 研究中發現延修生的自我概念,學習行為與學校適應,有很多方面明顯的不如一般學生,是校園中需要被關懷的一群,延修生的輔導不容忽視。 根據本研究結果,針對延修生輔導及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand the returned probationary students’ self-concept, study behaviors and school adjustment. The samples consists of 51 returned probationary students in Taipei municipal vocational senior high schools, 44 restudying students of public vocational senior high schools in Taipei area, and 44 Taipei area’s freshmen of technical college who were graduated from those schools. All of the students might go to vocational senior high schools in the same year. The evaluation of students’ academic achievements divided them into different situations----returned probationary studying, restudying or graduation in credit-based or class-hour-based systems. Data collected by Questionnaire of Vocational High School Students’ Learning Experience were analyzed by the methods of one-way MANOVA and canonical analysis .The conclusion of this study are as follows: 1.The self-concept of different evaluative situations’ students is significantly different .The graduated students are superior to the returned probationary students in the self-concept of general-academic and math, general self-concept. The restudying students are superior to returned probationary students in math self-concept. 2.The study behaviors of different evaluative situations’ students are significantly different. The graduated students are superior to the returned probationary students in “the attitudes towards teachers and peers, study motives, study methods and habits.” The graduated students are superior to the restudying students in “the attitudes towards curricular, teachers and peers, study motives, study methods and habits.” The restudying students are superior to returned probationary students in study motives. 3.The three groups of students are also apparently different from each other in their school adjustment. The graduated students are superior to the returned probationary students in all the four aspects of school adjustment. They also superior to the restudying students in the aspects of “studiousness” and “peer contact.” The restudying students are superior to the returned probationary students in the aspects of “compliance” and “teacher contact.” 4.The self-concept of the returned probationary students and the graduated students are related to school adjustment. 5.The study behaviors of the graduated and restudying students are related to their school adjustment. 6.The self-concept and study behaviors of the three-group students of different study systems are apparently related to their school adjustment. 7.In the research, it is known that the self-concept, study behaviors and school adjustment of the returned probationary students are inferior to the graduated students. They need our concern and guidance. According to the result of this research, the suggestions of the guidance of the returned probationary students and the research for the future study are proposed for reference.




