  • 學位論文


A study of organization restructuring for the administrative body of the elementary schools

指導教授 : 張明輝


本研究之目的在透過對於組織再造的探討,以及對相關理論與改革方案的分析,期能提出具體而可行的組織再造策略以有效解決國民小學行政組織所面臨的問題。 為達成上述目的,本研究兼採文獻分析與問卷調查兩種研究方法。藉由文獻分析,研究者探討規範我國學校行政組織結構的相關法令與學校行政組織再造的相關概念,並對我國教育改革運動中的重要文獻進行深入的分析。 在問卷調查部分,本研究主要採「得懷術」的調查研究方法,敦聘基隆市之國小教師、學校行政人員、以及教育行政人員共十六位為諮詢委員,實施三回合的問卷調查,一方面希望透過回饋的提供使各委員有反省思考的機會,從而獲得較為精緻的討論結果;另一方面則仰賴得懷術調查研究「匿名」的特點,避免委員發表意見時受到行政權威的影響。而開放式的題目設計,亦使委員能設定不同於研究者所提供的改革策略,達到相互激盪的效果。 此外,為了解國民小學行政組織再造相關策略所受到的支持程度,本研究在得懷術調查研究之外,針對基隆市各國民小學校長與教師會理事長進行意見普查,對於調查結果進行分析與討論。 綜合文獻探討與調查研究的結果,獲得以下各項結論: 一、 組織再造是透過重新思考組織設計等基本原則以提昇組織效能之改革策略。 二、 組織再造可以從作業流程、組織型態、管理結構與組織角色等向度去進行。 三、 我國國民小學行政組織之設計面臨專業化與專門化等相關問題。 四、 學校行政部門除應對教學部門提供後勤支援外並應負起專業領導之責。 五、 教育改革中之組織再造策略目前已獲致初步的成果。 六、 組織再造的推動應該透過廣納眾議與意見回饋來尋求共識。 七、 國民小學行政組織之再造需要中央政府與地方政府的配合推動。 根據研究結論,本研究分別對中央政府與基隆市政府提出建議。對於中央政府的建議是: 一、 應積極修訂相關法令以落實組織再造之精神。 二、 檢討各級政府的財政收支,減少不必要的經費補助流程。 三、 教育部在我國國民小學行政組織再造上應扮演更積極的角色。 另外,本研究對於基隆市政府則提出以下建議: 一、 訂定逐年增置專任學校行政人員之政策目標。 二、 繼續落實學校行政組織之專門化與專業化。 三、 改革方案的推動必須透過宣導與辯證的過程。 四、 將組織再造的精神納入「教訓輔三合一整合實驗方案」之中。 五、 除了「組織結構」的再造外,亦應進行「作業流程」的再造。


The main purpose of this study is to analyze the theory of organization restructuring and the reform trends. Based upon this research, proposals and recommendations are thus to be offered for improving the administrative body of the elementary schools in Taiwan. The research methods adopted in this study are literature review and the survey method with the Delphi technique. First, the researcher explores the connotation and implementation of the theory of organization restructuring, the laws regulating the structure of school management body, the main principles of the restructuring of the administrative body of schools, and inquires the essence of some important literatures of the educational reform movements in Taiwan. Next, the researcher uses the Three-Round Delphi technique for survey. The committee members are from Keelung City Government and some elementary schools, including teachers, support staff, and administrators. The reason of adopting Delphi technique is to offer the opportunities for the committee member to review one’s own opinion, in order to have delicate findings. On the other hand, the anonymity in the process makes room for free opinion expression. Besides the Delphi technique, the researcher do the census survey to understand the opinions of the principles of the elementary schools and school teacher unions in Keelung, and the data was analyzed and discussed. According to the analysis of the relative literature and the main findings, conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. Organization restructuring is a reform method to rethink basic questions, such as the principle of organization design, and to develop effective programs for organization improvement. 2. The organization restructuring can be analyzed by process reengineering, organization forms, management structures, and role styles. 3. The design of the administrative body of the schools in Taiwan faced some problems, such as professionalism and specialization. 4. Besides service, the administrative body of the schools should execute the leadership over the teachers. 5. The programs of the organization restructuring in education reform have some primary results. 6. Public discussion and feedback are needed in the process of the implementation of organization restructuring. 7. The organization restructuring of the elementary schools could be reached by the cooperation with the central and the local government. According to the results of this study, the researcher proposes some suggestions for the central and the local government.




