  • 學位論文


Research on Teachers Designing Integrated Curriculum at an Elementary School

指導教授 : 甄曉蘭博士


摘要 本研究目的旨在透過個案研究,瞭解教師設計統整課程的歷程、思考層面,以及相關的影響因素。本研究首先透過文獻來瞭解課程統整的概念架構、統整課程設計特色與程序,以及影響教師設計統整課程的影響因素,作為資料分析的參考;然後再以立意取樣方式,選取兩位六年級教師為研究對象,採用訪談為主、教室觀察、文件蒐集為輔的方法,來收集相關資料。 研究發現包括:(一)學校行政人員提供教師課程設計、評量等專業自主的彈性空間,並且扮演支持性角色,來協助教師設計統整課程。只是在推行統整課程之初,統整課程的相關概念與資訊,以及協助教師反省統整課程方案的評鑑等配套措施,仍嫌不足。(二)教師採用主題統整模式來設計統整課程,但是主題與教材內容的整合方式,各有不同考量。至於統整課程方案的設計與實施,有助於教師編擬教學計畫表、掌握教學進度,以及反省與評估整個統整方案的機會。然而級任與科任教師之間,針對統整概念、主題目標、主題與教材整合等事項的討論互動關係,仍有待加強。(三)在影響教師統整課程設計因素中,教師意願可說是核心因素;而時間不充足,仍是關鍵因素;學生學習成果,是教師持續設計統整課程方案的重要因素;至於印證統整概念、獲得新觀念的交流經驗,則有助於教師統整課程的設計與實踐。 綜合整個研究過程與結果,本研究提出的建議包括:(一)學校應該營造教師發揮課程與教學專業自主的彈性空間,並且妥善安排級任與科任教師互相討論課程的時間;其次是提供教師獲得統整課程概念的研習機會與資訊交流;最後再建立評鑑機制,來協助教師反省評估統整課程方案。(二)在加強教師統整課程設計能力方面,教師必須更瞭解統整概念與目的,並且在兼顧課程連續性、順序性以及釐清多元評量目的後,擬定主題教學目標和選擇合適的統整方式。此外,教師在進行統整課程方案前及過程當中,應該時時與家長溝通觀念,增加親師合作機會;而且級任教師必須掌握與同事或專家的合作與交流機會,主動的邀請科任教師共同參與統整課程設計,提供學生從各學科角度來探究主題的機會。(三)而在未來研究方面,可再探究學生在統整課程的學習情況,以及教師轉化統整課程方案的情形與相關因素。而其他不同於主題統整的模式,以及級任與科任教師合作協同,也都是未來值得再探究的方向。


Abstract The goal of this research is to explore how teachers design integrated curriculum and factors that influence teachers’ curriculum design. Based on literature review, the author first clarified the conceptual structure of curriculum integration, the characteristics and procedure of designing integrated curriculum and then, the author examined the affecting factors related to teachers' design of integrated curriculum through qualitative research methods. Taking two 6th grade teachers as research subjects and applying the method of interview mainly, supported with classroom observations and document analysis, the author collected evidences about the issues involved in the design of integrated curriculum. The research findings include: (1) The administrators of target elementary school played supportive role in helping teachers to work on integrated curriculum design. But the assisted measures, the related concepts and information provided for teachers to reflect upon their curriculum design were not sufficient. (2) Both participant teachers adopted thematic integrated curriculum design model, but there were different integrated styles in topics and contexts selections. The practice of designing integrated curriculum helps teachers not only to make better instructional plans and take hold of designed schedules, but also to reflect and assess their own integrated curriculum programs. However, there were needs to improve the interactions and cooperations between home-room teachers and subject teachers. (3) Teacher’s willingness was the core factor that influenced teachers’ involvement in curriculum design. Also, insufficient time, the achievement of students, were other key factors. However, clarifying the concepts of curriculum integration and exchange ideas of curriculum design would help teachers’ design and practice of integrated curriculum. According to the research outcomes, the author provides the following suggestions: (1) First, schools should create elastic space for teachers to perform their autonomy in curriculum and instruction, should arrange time for curriculum discussions between home-room and subject teachers, and should build evaluative mechanism for teachers to reflect and assess their integrated curriculum programs. (2) In aspect of promoting teachers' ability in designing integrated curriculum, teachers need to understand curriculum integration better, and select appropriate integration model concerning instructional goals with continuity, proper sequence and appropriate multiple assessment approaches. Besides, before and in the practice of integrated curriculum programs, teachers should communicate with parents more frequently, enhance cooperations between parents and teachers, as well as home-room teachers and subject teachers. (3) In the aspect of future research, there are needs to have further studies in student learning condition in integrated curriculum, teacher’s implementation of integrated curriculum, various models of curriculum integration, and cooperations between different subject teachers.




