  • 學位論文


A study of understanding the actual practice of instructional design for elementary school teachers in Taipei

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究以問卷調查的方式,瞭解我國國民小學教師使用教學設計的現況與困難。首先透過文獻分析與探討來發展問卷,以為研究工具;再邀請三位專家學者,包括教學設計專家、一般大學師資培育中心教師與國民小學資深教師,共同檢視本研究問卷初稿,最後施測問卷依教學設計五大要素,分為分析(Analyze)、設計(Design)、發展(Develop)、執行(Implement)、評鑑(Evaluate)等,共計七十一題,欲藉此瞭解目前國民小學教師系統化教學設計之執行程度,以及不同背景之教師(包括:性別、年資、學歷、教育學分、職別、職務別、曾否參與相關課程與蒐集參考資料的方式等八個背景變項)在教學設計執行程度上之差異。研究對象以台北市國民小學教師為主,共發放373份正式調查問卷,回收238份問卷,有效問卷有214份,有效問卷回收率57.4%,Cronbach α值為0.981。   研究結果顯示:第一,在教學設計執行程度上,國民小學教師對於教學設計各階段之執行自我覺知平均數偏高,其中又以實施階段之執行程度最高,評鑑階段之執行程度最低。再者,就各階段來看,分析階段以資源分析之執行程度最高;設計階段以教學時間與順序的安排執行程度最高;發展階段以評量工具的發展之執行程度最高;實施階段以會時時觀察學生是否有參與教學活動為最高;評鑑階段則以會從評量結果與學生反應來確認教學是否有改進之處的執行程度最高。第二,從不同背景之國民小學教師其執行教學設計程度來分析,發現不同性別之教師在教學設計評鑑部分的執行程度有所差異;不同教學年資之教師在教學設計執行程度並無差異;不同學歷之教師在設計、實施與評鑑部分的執行程度皆有顯著差異;不同職務之教師在設計、發展與實施部分的執行程度皆有顯著差異;是否曾修習過教學設計相關課程對教師在教學設計之執行程度上皆有顯著差異;以及在各種蒐集資料之方式中,以利用其他方式(如:自購書籍、看電視時事與報章雜誌等等)之執行程度較高。第三,對於教師在執行教學設計上所面臨之問題與困難,有多數的教師表示無法完全執行教學設計之最大原因是沒有足夠的時間,而教師認為重要但不知如何進行的項目為學習目標的訂定與編寫、教學策略的設計,另外在教學設計細項中最不重要的項目為資源分析,最不需要的項目為評量方式的設計及媒體與教材的選擇和發展。   最後,本研究依據以上研究結果,針對師資培育機構、國民小學教師、以及未來研究提出各項建議。


An effective teacher should have a well-prepared instructional design plan before instruction. This instructional design will help teachers gain in-depth understanding of learners and facilitate teachers manage their classroom teaching. During instruction, teachers must effectively and efficiently manage teaching time, employ various instructional resources and methods, realize factors that will affect students learning, and adjust instructional activities accordingly. In other words, teachers must adjust instructional pace and methods to attract students’ attentions and arouse students’ motivation. Instructional design models can help teachers achieve this goal. However, whether the instructional design models and principles are acceptable and applied by elementary school teachers in Taiwan is still unknown. Do instructional design models suitable for today’s elementary school teaching? And what is the actually practice of Instructional Design for Elementary School Teachers? The answers are yet to be unfolded.   Therefore, the study aims to understand how elementary school teachers design instruction, and tries to make a comparison to the professional implementation. A survey questionnaire is used to collect data. The subject randomly selected twenty-five schools and distributed 373 survey questionnaires. 238 returned surveys were collected between April and May, with twenty-four invalid forms. The return rate was 57.4 percent. The alpha coefficient was 0.981 for the combined scales for instructional design practice.   The conclusions of the research were summarized as follows:1.The elementary school teachers have a high level of self-perceived understanding regarding the practice of instructional design.2.The elementary school teachers valued that, the highest phase is “Implement”, and the second important is “Design” phase. The least important phase is “Evaluate”.3.In the “Analyze” phase, “Resource analysis” is the highest aspect. In the “Design” phase, “Instructional organization and sequence” is the highest aspect. In the “Develop” phase, “Development of assessment tools” is the highest aspect.4.There is significant difference regarding the practice of instructional design, which are in sex, highest degree, position type, have taken Instructional Design Course or not.5.Teachers commented that they didn’t have enough time to follow the theoretical procedure of instructional design in actual practice. 6.Teachers also commented that they need more training on writing instructional objectives, designing students’ assessment, and using different instructional strategies.   The findings were shared and suggestions for teachers education institutions, elementary school and future research.




