  • 學位論文


The influence of environmental factors on the development of musical prodigy ---- giving Mozart as an example

指導教授 : 崔光宙


本研究關心的焦點是影響歷史上有成就大師-莫札特發展的環境因素。研究依據分析心理學相關理論所得影響創造力的環境因素,訂定六點研究目的: 1、探討影響莫札特創作的家庭社區環境因素。 2、探討影響莫札特創作的社會文化環境因素。 3、探討影響莫札特創作的專業領域環境因素中時代風格的影響。 4、探討影響莫札特創作的專業領域環境因素中音樂中心的影響。 5、探討影響莫札特創作的專業領域環境因素中文化累積成果的影響。 6、綜合研究成果,析論影響音樂資優發展及個人風格創造之環境因素,並針對研究結果提出研究者個人在音樂資優教育上的建議。 研究歸結,古典時期音樂文化的展開、推進、流轉,至莫札特的透徹完整、鐫鏤晶瑩,實起於歷史風雲之際會。莫札特的睿智驚才來自時代文化的廣博涵養,在於他吸收了社會文化環境與音樂專業環境中傳統創作成果與當時代多文化的刺激。莫札特雖未接受正式的音樂教育,但他在父親的帶領下在歐洲各國遊歷;其間社會自由的風氣、時代理性的精神、維也納引導的開放環境,都給莫札特自由舒曠的心胸﹔在音樂專業領域中,古來的文化傳統與現今之藝術發展融入藝術家心神,大時代的才智精英,試驗、追索,以傳統的賦格與時興的和聲並列、出入昨日和今日的體式,深化情感之通明雪亮,認知發現、開拓突破開創時代之新境界。莫札特之能夠接受文化之涵養,其中最主要來自莫札特的父親雷歐波德,在發現了莫札特的天賦之後,積極地帶著莫札特接觸歐洲的各個音樂環境及音樂風格,開展了莫札特最大的發展空間,而雷歐波德之所以能帶著莫札特接觸歐洲各地音樂文化與音樂風格,也得力於薩爾茲堡大主教許萊頓巴哈的支持。 研究最後針對國內音樂資優教育提出建議。音樂資優兒童的學習、發展、創造,需要家庭、學校、社區、社會、文化環境、國家教育政策密切配合,培養其內涵深厚的文化涵養、廣博開闊的創造心胸﹔讓音樂資優兒童熟悉在音樂專業領域中各個時代的音樂風格、不同文化音樂中心的發展成就、最新動態及音樂交流,熟悉音樂史上累積的音樂文化成果,接受大師偉大藝術的陶冶。資優兒童在自由創作氣氛與豐富文化刺激中,其創作潛能方能真正完全發揮。


This thesis concerns about the environmental factors that influenced Mozart’s development. Synthesizing from psychology researches, this thesis takes five major environmental factors that influence creativity in the music domain as guiding principles. There are six main purposes of this thesis: 1、Descant on Mozart’s family and community which influenced him. 2、Discourse on social and thinking background that influenced Mozart. 3、Present how the styles of the music domain influenced Mozart. 4、Discuss how the important centers of the music domain influenced Mozart. 5、State how the achievements of the music domain influenced Mozart. 6、Give an account in detail of the environmental factors which influenced Mozart’s development as a whole, and propose some suggestions for improving the education of musical prodigy according to the research results. Concluding the research result, Mozart was influenced by the greatness of the whole culture. The social and thinking background gave Mozart an open-minded aptitude for composing. The styles, important centers, and achievements of music domain all nurished Mozart with the most great culture in this domain of speciality. The most important person in Mozart’s life is his father —— Leopold Mozart. He gave Mozart abundant learning resourses. So that Mozart could bask in the splendor of culture and create masterpieces after developing an open-minded aptitude and absorbing the quintessence of the culture. Through this research, the researcher proposes some suggestions for improving the education of musical prodigy. Researcher suggests that family, community, society and government must work together to give musical prodigies a strong supporting system. This supporting system must enrich musical prodigies with fertile cultural sophistication, help musical prodigies develop an open-minded aptitude for music and have musical prodigies master great culture in this domain of speciality, including styles of each era, characters of different music centers, the latest event in these centers and great achievements of the culture in this domain of speciality. To sum up, the potential of musical prodigy can only be fully developed under the influence of great culture and free social environment.The two important factors for creativity must be provided by the supporting system of musical prodigy.


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