  • 學位論文


Electromygraphic analysis of shoulder muscle fatigue during wheelchair sprinting

指導教授 : 林正常


本研究的目的為了解衝刺性的輪椅推進中,肩關節主要作用肌群於輪椅推進時的 疲勞情形,並觀察推進期與回復期作用肌群肌電強度在疲勞前後是否有所改變,以探 究肩關節肌肉周邊疲勞與輪椅運動員肩傷的關係。研究以肌電訊號中數功率頻率 (median power frequency,MPF)與積分肌(integrate EMG,iEMG)電圖的變化趨勢 作為評估肌肉疲勞狀態的實驗指標,另外以最大等長收縮測試的平均相對肌電強度 (the average percentage of EMG intensity relative to maximal voluntary isometric contraction,perMVIC)作為判別作用肌群的實驗變項。受試者為國內男 性輪椅運動員14 名,年齡34.50 ± 6.60 歲、殘障年數30.36 ± 8.83 年、體重為55.21 ± 7.80 公斤重、全臂長75.04 ± 3.44 公分、坐高86.93 ± 5.73 公分。將表面肌電電極(MEDI TRACE; Ag /AgCl electrode;radius:0.5cm;interelectrode distance:3.7cm;sampling rate:1000Hz)貼附於鎖骨部三角肌(CLD)、肩胛部三角肌(SCD)、胸大肌(SPM)、闊背 肌(LAD)與上、下斜方肌(UPT &LOT),於輪椅衝刺推進的衰竭測試中擷取肌電訊號至 受試者衰竭為止。結果中指出在衝刺性的輪椅推進中,肩關節推進期與回復期主要作 用肌群與一般輪椅推進之作用肌群相近,但在衝刺推進中將動用回復期的肌肉(如: SCD 、LAD 、LOT)在推進期產生拮抗作用,以流暢且穩定地完成高速度與高強度的輪 椅衝刺推進動作,而SCD 是輪椅衝刺推進中達最大疲勞程度的肌肉,CLD 、SPM 、LOT 亦達到一定的疲勞程度。由研究結果所歸納的結論為:上述肩部肌群的疲勞情形的確 可能透過特殊機制造成輪椅運動員肩傷的高發生率。因此,若需針對輪椅運動者的肩 關節肌群進行運動傷害的預防性訓練,應首要重視後三角肌與中三角肌的訓練,其次 再考慮前三角肌、胸大肌、與下斜方肌的訓練,但有關此建議的實際效果仍須運動傷 害領域的人員進行相關性的研究加以證明。 關鍵詞:輪椅推進、疲勞指數、肩關節、中數功率頻率




The main purposes of this study were to investigate the characteristics of shoulder local muscle fatigue during wheelchair athlete sprinting. Additionally, the shoulder active muscles both in pushing and in recovering phases of wheelchair sprinting were examined. Fourteen-wheelchair athletes voluntarily participated in this study. Self-designed wheelchair stationary roller and hand contact triggers were used in this study. Six channels of EMG amplifiers were used to measure the myoelectric signals. One channel of hand-on trigger was used to distinguish the pushing phase and recovery phase. Six crucial muscles regarding to shoulder motion during wheelchair propulsion were studied. Those muscles included clavical part of deltoid (CLD), scapular part of deltoid (SCD), sternal part of pectoralis major (SPM), latissimus dorsi (LAD), upper trapezius (UPT), and lower trapezius (LOT). Surface EMGs were used to analyze the shoulder myoelectric signal both in frequency domain (mean power frequency, MPF) and time The results indicated that CLD, SCD, SPM, and LOT easily became fatigue after exhaustion of wheelchair fast propulsion. However, the SCD was most prone to fatigue. Based on our study findings, we believed that the shoulder muscle fatigue could be one of major factor contribute causing shoulder impingement injuries. This is due to muscle losing its balance in protection of glenohumeral stability. In order to maintain shoulder dynamic stability and prevent shoulder impingement injury, shoulder muscle endurance exercise training is important for wheelchair athletes, especially SCD, CLD, SPM and LOT muscles. Keywords :wheelchair propulsion, fatigue index, shoulder joint, median power




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