  • 學位論文





本研究的主要目的是希望透過運動文化的觀點,從運動觀、運動規範、運動技術、運動物質事物等四個層面,來探討:(一)台灣地區大專乙組游泳隊運動文化之現況;(二)比較台灣地區各大專乙組游泳隊運動文化之異同;(三)建立一個良好運動文化的典範。希望能藉由良好運動文化的傳承與延續,使選手養成良好的運動習慣,進而達到推展全民運動的目標與理想。 本研究之選手是以問卷調查為主,教練以訪談為輔的兩種方式進行,研究者以自編「台灣地區大專乙組游泳隊運動文化之問卷調查表」為研究工具,內容包含運動觀、運動規範、運動技術、運動物質事物及選手基本資料等五部份,以十二所大專院校乙組游泳代表隊選手為研究對象,共取得有效樣本184人,回收率89.3%,以SPSS For Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,研究結果歸納如下: 一、選手大都是因為興趣而加入游泳隊,希望能藉由游泳運動達到自我實現的目標。乙組游泳隊具有較高凝聚力,隊員不分年級、性別,互相關心、鼓勵,為共同的目標努力。 二、隊長與幹部的產生方式並無明文的規定,卻有都由大三、大四來擔任隊長的不成文傳統。 三、乙組游泳隊中會出現「偷練」的情形,選手間有良性競爭,促使團隊成績進步。透過前輩指導、提攜後輩,使游泳技術傳承。 四、不同學校在運動觀、運動規範層面上的比較,無顯著性的差異;而在運動技術、運動物質層面上的比較,具有顯著性的差異。 五、不同學校在運動文化層面上的比較,具有顯著性的差異,再經由Scheffe法的事後比較,其結果發現C大學與H大學具有顯著性差異,而D大學與H大學及K大學與H大學亦具有達顯著差異的情形。 關鍵詞:運動文化、運動觀、運動規範、運動技術、運動物質事物




The purpose of this investigation is to discuss the following topics from the viewpoint of sport value, sport norm, sport technique, and sport material. First, the current culture of amateur swimming representative teams of universities in Taiwan. Second, comparison of the culture mentioned before in different universities. Third, how to construct the paragon of good sport culture. Through handing down the high quality of sport culture, we wish that the representative athletes can form a good habit of sport. Furthermore, we wish to spread the concept of whole people sport. This investigation relies on the results of the two following part. The main part is the investigative tables written by the representative athletes. The auxiliary part is the conversational content from the coaches who were visited by asking questions. The investigative implement is the table called “ table for investigating the culture of amateur swimming representative team of universities in Taiwan.” The tables are edited by investigator himself. The content of the tables includes five parts – sport value, sport norm, sport technique, sport material and the fundamental information of representative athletes. The investigative object is the amateur swimming representative athletes of twelve universities in Taiwan. The number of effective sample tables is 184. The percentage of retrieve is 89.3%. Through the statistical analysis of SPSS packaged software for Windows. It gives the following results: 1. The main motivation for the representative athletes to join the swimming team is interest. Through swimming, they hope to attain to the aim of self-realization. The teams show high concentrated trend. The teammates encourage and take care for each other to struggle for their common goal. 2. There are no definite clauses to generate the team leaders and cadres. It is tacit understanding tradition to select the senior teammates as leaders. 3. It appears that some teammates practice privately. The existence of good competition between representative athletes lets the team make progress in achievement. By the help and guild from the senior generation, the junior generation makes the swimming techniques keep on. 4. The comparison of the viewpoints in sport value and sport norm from different universities gives no remarkable difference. However, in sport technique and sport material, the comparison shows conspicuous difference. 5. The comparison of sport culture in different universities gives remarkable difference. The analysis of Scheffe method tells us the following results. There exists remarkable difference between C and H, also between D and H; K and H where C, D, H, and K represent the names of different universities. Keywords: sports culture, sports value, sports norm, sports technique, sports material.




蘇雄飛(1986),先總統 蔣公的體育目的論。體育學報第八輯。


