  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃長服 劉宇


本研究的主要目的是通過肢段間互動的動力學分析,探討不同動量打擊練習過程中,外在環境的改變對肢體動力學控制的影響。以4名沒有接受過技擊運動訓練之女性大學生為實驗參加者,並依序接受演空打擊練習、零動量撞擊的打擊練習與有動量的打擊練習。並以二度空間高速攝影機與打擊力量測量系統,同步收集練習過程的三種打擊動作運動學與動力學資料。實驗的資料配合Hanavan人體肢段參數與肢段間互動的動力學模式計算,進一步獲得實驗參加者動作過程中的上肢關節控制力矩。結果發現,肘關節和肩關節的肌肉力矩除了碰撞的過程以外,有撞擊的實際打擊動作在各動作階段的肌肉工作型態均與無撞擊的演空打擊動作的肌肉工作型態相同。而影響肩關節與肘關節之慣性力矩則因為演空打擊動作的練習,獲得穩定的控制型態,並且不會因為撞擊的環境條件改變而影響此慣性力矩的型態。所以,本研究從實證的角度說明了傳統的動作教學過程,先進行動作的演空練習可以遷移到實際撞擊動作的表現。在有無動量撞擊的實際碰撞打擊練習條件下,實驗參加者出現了利用被動的外力作用--接觸力矩,對肘關節產生伸肘的作正功現象。因此,不同的動量打擊動作條件可以顯現出相同的肌肉力矩與慣性力矩特徵,而這些慣性力矩特徵相同的情況下,又能顯現出不同接觸力矩運用的現象。此外,本研究透過實驗處理的設計,在實際碰撞的動作階段引發出上臂角加速度產生的力矩,會與肩關節和肘關節的肌肉力矩共同作用行為,以抵消接觸力矩。 關鍵詞:肢段間互動的動力學、動作控制、練習、打擊動作




The purpose of this study was to analyze the motor control changes of limb dynamics during practice of punching, and to investigate the influences of various momentum impact conditions. Four female participants who never trained in any martial arts were asked to practice three treatments in order of none impact (arm swing), zero momentum impact (punch static target), and momentum impact (punch moving target). Peak Motus system with one high-speed video camera and two dimensions force sensors which mounted on punching target were synchronized to record and to digitize the 2D kinematics data and kinetics data respectively. Body segment parameters determined by Hanavan model were associated with kinematics data and kinetics data through the model of intersegment dynamics to calculate dynamic interactions between the upper arm and the forearm. The results showed that the characteristics of the generalized muscle torque at the shoulder joint and the elbow joint for zero momentum impact movement and momentum impact movement were similar to none impact movement except for impact phase. The practice of none impact movement induced the acquisition of the stable control pattern in motion dependent torques, and this acquired of motion dependent torques pattern was not effected by the various conditions of this experimental treatments. This result provided the illustration for the traditional motor skill coaching that arm swing practice in the beginning could transfer to the real impact conditions. In the practices of zero momentum impact movement and momentum impact movement, the contact torque occurred positive power action to extend elbow. It showed that participants learned to employ the passive contact torque to perform punching movement through practice. Therefore, the various momentum impact conditions could produce the similar characteristics for the pattern of generalized muscle torques and the pattern of motion dependent torques. And in these same actions of motion dependent torques, organism could result in quite different actions of contact torque. Moreover, this study emerged the significant function of the upper arm angular acceleration and concurred with the generalized muscle torques to employ and/or to counteract the contact torques during the impact phase through the treatments. Key words: intersegment dynamics, motor control, practice, punch




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