  • 學位論文


Exploration the Status of University Faculties’ in Environmental Education Teaching in Non-environmental Professional Courses in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周 儒 博士


本研究係以郵寄問卷調查法,探索大學校院非環境專業科系教師實施環境教育之現況,研究對象以參與「八十八年度中澳環境教育研習會」之大學教師為初始名單,透過兩次雪球式抽樣法整理出之135位符合於研究界定的教師為最後的研究對象,並寄予正式問卷,其後進行三次追蹤催覆的工作,共回收103份問卷,問卷回收率76.3%,其中有效問卷為92份,有效問卷回收率68.2%。 研究中之重要結論如下: 1. 在環境教育的課程中,教師教學上以自然科學及生態學的知識為主,在重 要性的排序上亦較高。不同專業領域的教師在教學內容選用上會有所差 異。 2. 「永續發展」、「重要的國內環境議題」的知識內容,在不同專業領域教 師的使用上及重要性認知上的比例皆為較高的排序。「生態平衡」則是不 同專業領域的教師同樣在重要性的認知上有較高的比例。 3. 教師對於教室外的教學方法(校外參觀、野外觀察)在使用的比例上很 高。議題調查法為日後教師最想嘗試的教學方法,其教學成效亦較好。 4. 教師所使用的場域集中於較自然的教學場域,且多為具備良好解說、導覽 規劃的地點或是距離較近的。 5. 教師認為通識教育課程是非環境專業科系學生接受環境教育的最佳途徑。 6. 教師在教學活動中的應用,都以環境資訊(知識)的瞭解與搜集為主,而 實際面對民間環保團體或是相關的活動方面則都是較低比例的。 7. 非師範院校教師對於目前大學畢業生的環境能力的看法上,各項能力之平 均值均較師範院校教師低,而對大學畢業生應具備的環境能力的期許上, 則較師範院校教師高。 8. 教師們對學生在環境覺知方面的能力較有信心,教學上也較易達成這些目 標。而對於解決環境問題的技能,以及實際參與解決環境問題的行動經驗 上則是較難在教學上實行,也是教師認為目前大學畢業生最缺乏的部分, 但同時也是教師較不重視的部分。 9. 教師極重視學生「在個人生活中實施環保」的能力與實際執行,也較常在 教學中實際應用。 10.課程時間的限制及內容涵蓋的廣泛,是造成教師在課程及個人方面遭遇困 難的最大因素。 11.不論何種性別、教學年資、任教學校、專業背景的教師,其環境教育的教 學上皆以「適用教材」為最大的需求。


In this study, the researcher uses a method of mail survey to collect data from university faculties who teach non-environmental professional courses. The study aims at exploring their teaching status, barriers and needs. In the beginning, the researcher selected 31 university faculties, as samples, who participated in “1999 Chinese & Australia EE Workshop”. After twice snowball samplings, the final adapted samples were 135 faculties. Then, the researcher mailed questionnaires to the 135 faculties and sent them reminding mails three times. In the end, 103 professors responded the questionnaire, and 92 were found as valid ones. The most important conclusions in this study are as followed: 1. For environmental education, the knowledge of environmental science and ecology is important. The different specialized teachers would use the different teaching contents or concepts. 2. For every faculty, "sustainable development" and "important environmental issues in Taiwan" are in higher use and considered as important opinions, in the contexts. 3. There is highly percentage for the faculties, in using the outdoor teaching methods, to visit outdoors and to observe fields, in their course activities. 4. The faculties will choose natural environments, which are closer to schools or have good interpretative and guiding systems. 5. The way that the faculties think the students who are not environmental professionals can easily contact environmental education is through the courses of general education (or liberal arts education). 6. Most of the teaching applications are focus on understanding or collecting environmental information and knowledge. Fewer are on facing non-government environmental organizations and relevant activity. 7. The means of the environmental competence of recent graduates is considered higher by the faculties of teachers’ colleges (universities) than of non-teachers’ colleges (universities), but the means of expectations of the environmental competence is considered higher by those of non-teachers’ colleges (universities). 8. The faculties think that their students have enough environmental awareness, but are lack of “skills to treat environmental problems” and “ experiences to participate in solving environmental problems”, which are difficult to obtain in courses. Therefore, the means of these two competence are lowest means in the teachers’ opinion about these two competence are the lowest. 9. The faculties think highly of students’ competence of "protecting environment in one’s daily life ". So, they apply the concept in their courses very often. 10. The most important barriers facing faculties are " the limitation of teaching time" and " the width of contexts ". 11. No matter what kinds of faculties in renders, teaching years, schools or specialized, they all consider that " adapted teaching materials " are the most important requirement.


吳瑞媛 (1995):〈當代文明在哥大:一個「價值反思」的典型〉。《通識教育季刊》,2卷,2期,51-71。


