  • 學位論文


Interpreter's Needs for Professional Development on Environmental Education and Environmental Interpretation in Taiwan's National Parks

指導教授 : 周儒


本研究旨在探索國家公園解說員環境教育與環境解說專業發展的需求,包括解說員執行環境教育與環境解說所需之專業能力;解說員環境教育與環境解說專業成長課程需求;以及影響解說員專業發展的因素,採用問卷調查方法蒐集解說課人員與相關領域學者專家之意見,並分析研究中各項會議之記錄,作為詮釋之參考。 研究中針對解說員需求問卷的部分,共發出130份,回收60份,其中符合研究對象之有效問卷為52份,有效回收率40%。本研究並請益十位相關領域學者專家,其中七位給予本研究寶貴的意見。研究中重要之結論如下: 一、國家公園解說員環境教育與環境解說專業能力經彙整後,提出了初級、中級、與高級能力指標: (一) 初級能力指標:1.展現在非正式場合中與遊客成功的接觸;2.瞭解遊客的需求與特徵;3.準備與呈現有效的解說;4.瞭解服務區內環境資源。 (二) 中級能力指標:1.準備並進行有效的活動引導;2.發現與避免解說及教育方案中對於文化、性別、以及族群等的偏見;3.準備並有效地呈現解說或妥善利用其他已設計好的活動方案;4.有效的解說寫作;5.規劃與有效執行提供給學校的教育方案;6.有效的人際與組織溝通。 (三) 高級能力指標:1.規劃公園解說系統;2.發展各項解說媒體;3.領導解說服務 人員發展:訓練與教學;4.整合解說研究與解說資源;5.建構解說伙伴關係;6.評估各項環境教育與環境解說方案。 二、解說員環境教育與環境解說專業成長訓練課程需求,以初級的「國家公園環境傳播、教育與解說」;中級的「環境教育教學活動設計」、「戶外教育原理與方法」、「解說資料之蒐集與建檔」、「解說活動規劃與執行」;高級的「解說媒體規劃設計與發展」、「解說人員領導與人力規劃」以及「解說研究與公園資源整合」八項課程為優先考量。課程的內容特性應以「解說教育的方法論」以及「研究方法」為原則。 三、在影響解說員專業發展因素方面,解說員對於專業成長訓練方式,經研究者歸納後主要以「注重資訊分享的專業發展」以及「短時間內能完成的專業發展」二種型式,最能被解說員接受。另外在專業發展阻礙方面,則以「缺乏有系統整合的訓練課程」、「專業訓練課程沒有層次及進階性」、「經驗傳承欠缺」、以及「業務繁忙,無多餘時間參與專業訓練」為最。目前解說員在專業發展上的最大困境,主要是約聘僱解說人員面臨裁撤的問題,裁員後將使國家公園解說服務面臨挑戰。 本研究並依上述結論,針對解說員、公園管理單位、以及後續研究者提出各項建議。 關鍵詞:國家公園、解說員、環境教育、環境解說、專業發展


The purpose of this study is exploring needs for interpreter’s professional development on environmental education and environmental interpretation in National Parks. Researcher used method of questionnaire to gather opinion from the interpreter of the National Park, and the professionals and experts outside the National Park system, and analysis the meeting record in this research as bases of interpreting. There were 130 questionnaire distributed to interpreters, and 60 interpreters responded the questionnaire, and 52 were data sample. Researcher also mailed questionnaire to 10 professionals and experts, and there were 7 scholars give researcher their opinions back. The important results in this study are: (Ⅰ) The interpreters’ professional competencies in environmental education and environmental interpretation in National Parks have been categorized in junior, secondary, and senior level: 1. Junior level competencies indicator: (1) Contact and greet the visitors successfully in either formal or nonformal settings at the first encounter; (2) Assess and understand visitors’ characteristics and demands; (3) Prepare and conduct an effective interpretation; (4) Understand National Park’s environmental resource that interpreter service. 2. Secondary level competencies indicator: (1) Prepare and conduct effect interpretive activities; (2) Be alert to avoid the bias occurred in interpretation due to culture, gender, and race; (3) Prepare and conduct an effective interpretation and/or appropriately select and utilize other designed program activities and materials; (4) Effectively design and conduct writing for interpretive materials; (5) Effectively plan and conduct school environmental education program activities; (6) Effectively conduct both interpersonal communication and organizational communication. 3. Senior level competencies indicator: (1) Conduct National Park interpretation planning; (2) Design and develop different forms of interpretative media; (3) Train and lead human resource of interpretation services such as interpreters and volunteers; (4) Conduct interpretation research and integrate relevant information and resources; (5) Effectively form the partnership with relevant organizations and communities; (6) Effectively assess and evaluate different types of interpretation programs (Ⅱ) In the needs of interpreters’ professional development training curricula in environmental education and environmental interpretation, the most needed training causes that interpreter’s responded have 8 emphases, in junior level were “ECEI in National Park”, in secondary level were ”Design learning activities of Environmental Education”; “Principles and methods of Outdoor Education”; “Collect and file interpretive data”; “Plan and implement Interpretive activities”, and senior level were “Plan and Develop interpretive media”; “Interpretation leadership”; and “Interpretive research and park’s resource integration”. Based upon above, the characteristic of training curricula is “Methodology of education and interpretation” and “Research Methods”. (Ⅲ) In the influence of interpreter’s professional development, researcher integrated the training style which interpreter preferable are “Emphasis on information exchange” and “Carry out in short-term”. In addition, the professional development hinder are “Lack systematic training curricula”; ”The training curricula do not have hierarchical”; “Exchange experience from elder interpreter”; and “Too busy to being trained”. However, the main hinder in professional development for interpreter is lack of job security brought about by instable Park police on interpretive service, and this police will impact the interpretive service in Nation Park System. Finally, recommendations for interpreters, park’s administrator, and follow researcher were also proposed. Keyword: National Park; Interpreter; Environmental Education; Environmental Interpretation; Professional Development.


周 儒、張子超(1995):《民間團體推動環境教育模式之研究》。台北:行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告。


陳文雅(2017)。社區生態導覽解說員基礎培訓專業知能之需求評估- 以「陽明山古蹟聚落生態護育聯盟」為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00791
