  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Environmental Education Program-A survey of education tour for primary school students of Taipei Zoo

指導教授 : 周儒


本研究之目的在於試圖呈現台北市立動物園對國小四年級校外教學活動方案的執行現況,並了解相關對象與執行者在參與活動時的整體表現與對活動的滿意程度、需求與建議。研究方法以量化 (quantitative) 的問卷為主,輔以質化 (qualitative) 的訪談與觀察等工具進行教育方案評鑑研究。過程中,針對使用者所施測問卷共計11個學校,回收386份學童問卷、82份家長問卷以及74份教師問卷;另外,針對8位規劃與執行方案的人員進行半結構性訪談 (semi-structured interview),並在方案活動進行時採用「觀察者的參與」(observer-as- participant)。所有的研究資料經分析後發現結果如下: 使用者對校外教學的活動內容多持有正面的評價。教師與家長則是希望活動內容儘量能整合學校課程和動物園的戶外教育,並建議設計「觀察/體驗/探索」、「遊戲/表演」與「採集/製作標本」等動態課程。此外,目前各校行程由推廣組排定,然而不同學校對於前往動物園進行校外教學的考量仍有差異;教師認為方案中有待改進的前三項依序為「活動的設計與規劃」、「行程的安排」、「解說的內容」,並建議動物園能規劃一個完整的校外教學模式,而非僅只於一個小時的解說。 在造成活動進行的限制方面,以「學童的秩序問題」、「天氣狀況不佳」、「學童的注意力不夠集中」以及「班級人數太多」等因素的影響最大。另外,教師與家長認為「學童的安全問題」與「教育方案的內容」是活動方案最重要的關照;解說員認為教師與家長若能在活動進行中協助維護秩序或注意學童安全方面,對活動的助益頗大。然而,上述使用者與執行者的需求在活動前並沒有進行事前的溝通,故會造成學校教師與解說志工雙方的期待落差。除此之外,解說員人數不足是目前園方最大的限制,推廣組現在正積極開發國小組的解說員來源。 目前動物園對園內的環境教育方案並沒有正式的評鑑制度。大部份接受調查的解說員認為和參與者(包括學童、教師及家長)之間的互動良好就是最成功的活動。而解說志工多半在經驗中摸索如何帶領國小四年級程度的學童進行動物園裡的校外教學,欠缺相關的專業訓練課程。研究結果也顯示出教師與家長認為解說員「能夠掌握學生的狀況」、「聲量大小適中」和「解說時間掌握得當」三項需要加強。 本研究依上述結論,針對校外教學實施和後續研究兩大部份提出綜合性的建議


The purpose of this study is trying to display a whole picture of out-of-school activities for 4th grade children in Taipei Zoo, and to explore the representation of the audience and operators, and to evaluate their satisfaction, needs and suggestion about this program. The study methods of education program evaluation combines with quantitative and qualitative tools, the Questionnaires, Interviews and Observations. During this process, a total of 386 valid questionnaires of school children, 82 valid questionnaires of parents and 74 valid questionnaires of teachers were collected from 11 different schools through field survey. Besides, also be taken "observer-as-participant" in the period of program, and 8 program planners and operators accepted individual "semi-structured" interview. After analyzing the information, the main results achieved are as below: First, most consumers have the positive appreciation for program contents, but teachers and parents still hope that zoo curricula could integrate classroom lessons and outdoor education in zoo-visit field trips. They suggest zoo educator to design some dynamic curricula, for example, "observation/experience/exploration", "game/performance" and "collection/ specimen", and so on. In addition, the one-day shuttle is arranged by Taipei Zoo Education Office now, it doesn't think about the difference of schools. Furthermore, teachers think about a few shortcomings of program have to modify, there are "design and plan", "schedule" and "the content of interpreter". They also suppose that zoo should plan a comprehensive out-of-school activity, not only an hour for interpreter. Second, the part of limitation, the four event: "order", "weather", "children's attention" and "a large mass of children" make the maximum influence. Moreover, teachers and parents all agree with "safety" and "materials" are the most important element of program. And, the interpreter also hope teachers and parents could assist to maintain order or take care about the children's safety. It's a pity that the needs of both consumers and operators didn't discuss in advance. What's more, lack of interpreter is the biggest difficulty in zoo, and they are trying to recruit the volunteers. Until now, zoo education office didn’t set up a formal evaluation system for environmental education programs. Most interpreters who accepted survey think if the interaction with all participator (including children, teachers and parents) is great, the program is successful. However, almost all the volunteers learn to lead the 4th grade children by experience, and they are short on professional course. The outcome of research also shows that compared with other items, the interpreters have to strengthen their ability about “handle the children”, “voice” and “time-controlling”. Finally, recommendations for out-of-school activity and follow researcher were also proposed.


Medlin, N.C., Ham, S.H. (1992). A Handbook For Evaluating Interpretive Services. ED: Department of Resource Recreation and Tourism College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences University of Idaho Moscow,Idaho.
Coffey, P. (ed.) (1996). Manual of zoo education. Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust.


