  • 學位論文


(Re)Writing Patriarchal Myth: Snow White and Bluebeard in Margaret Atwood’s Lady Oracle

指導教授 : 史文生博士


摘要 瑪格麗特.艾特伍德在《女神諭》中,顯示了其解放女性於父權神話的企圖。在《女神諭》中艾特伍德重新檢視格林童話中的《白雪公主》和《費特郝的鳥》,揭示其中蘊含的對女性馴化的企圖。在文本中,艾特伍德以瓊.佛斯特為中心,再現了《白雪公主》和《費特郝的鳥》(“Fitcher’s Bird”),一方面揭示了隱含在其中的父權意圖,一方面更嘗試出走。 論文的第二章探討瓊.佛斯特和她的母親法蘭西絲的母女關係,檢視艾特伍德如何重現了隱藏在《白雪公主》中的懼母、母女戰爭和弒母等議題。《費特郝的鳥》是藍鬍子故事諸多版本中最廣為人知的版本。 藍鬍子故事隱含了女性肢解和懼夫的議題,而藍鬍子恐懼(Bluebeard fear)更進一步的潛藏在哥德式小說中。 論文第三章探討藍鬍子恐懼和哥德式小說的關係,審視其如何禁錮女性和迫使女性陷入自虐情節。 艾特伍德在《女神諭》中也提出了走出父權建構的神話的可能。論文第四章探討瓊.佛斯特的書寫歷程,分析瓊.佛斯特如何由被動的書寫逐漸地進展至顛覆的改寫。藉由掌握書寫的力量和改寫父權神話的自覺與企圖,在父權論述中奮戰、嘗試突破文類的陳規,瓊.佛斯特最後終能擺脫白雪公主的命運,成功地從藍鬍子恐懼出走。


Abstract In Lady Oracle (1976), Margaret Atwood demonstrates her intention to save women from the trap of the patriarchal myth of women. Atwood examines Grimms’ “Snow White” and “Fitcher’s Bird,” and exposes their themes of female victimization. Atwood inscribes within her novel the mythic tales of “Snow White” and “Fitcher’s Bird,” exposes and subverts their underlying intentions, and suggests the possibility of a “way out” for women. The protagonist, the young overweight Joan reenacts, with her mother Frances who wants her to lose weight and become more “feminine,” Grimms’ “Snow White” in which the conflict between witch-mother and innocent daughter is provoked by the hidden patriarchal intention, and leads to the fear of mother as monster/witch, mother-daughter animosity and matricide. In addition, Grimms’ “Fitcher’s Bird,” the best-known Bluebeard tale, under Atwood’s scrutiny, is exposed as a tale that embeds female dismemberment and the fear of men. By presenting Joan Foster as a woman haunted by the “Bluebeard fear” as the result of her addict on Gothic novels, a genre based on such fear, Atwood suggests how women are jeopardized and trapped by Bluebeard fear and driven into female masochism. However, Atwood also suggests how women can struggle their way out from the trap of those myths. By seizing the pen, engaging in the discourse, and attempting to break the generic rules, Joan manages to be a woman who speaks (writes) from her own heart.


Bök, Christian. “Sibyls: Echoes of French Feminism in ‘The Diviners’ and ‘Lady
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Publishers, 1993.
Massachusetts Press, 1993.
