  • 學位論文


The Ups and Downs in Sports: The Experiences of the Eight Student Athletes

指導教授 : 陳美芳


本研究以大學畢業並已工作的八位體育保送生為研究對象,透過深度訪談、相關資料等方式,瞭解其過去在學時期的學業與運動訓練經驗、在競技運動中的體驗,以及運動退休的情形。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、最初接觸體育運動時,由於選手本身對運動的興趣、教練和教師的觀察,以及家長的同意和支持,使得這些運動員有機會接受訓練,並對未來的運動生涯,奠定了良好的基礎。 二、運動員在運動中經歷低潮的原因,有壓力與運動傷害兩部分。運動員壓力源大致有:學業、重大比賽、無法上場比賽、不參加比賽、復出、及多重角色等壓力。選手身體的運動傷害因傷勢所帶來的痛楚,以及不能上場比賽的煎熬,影響甚巨。 三、運動員在學校與運動場的挑戰,有學業與角色兩大項。學業方面,運動員覺得長期從事運動,難免影響課業,但是透過自己的努力、時間的安排,要同時兼顧學業,應該不是難事。運動員的角色問題,發生在運動員在學期間,需要同時扮演學校的「學生角色」,運動場上的「選手角色」,以及同學或媒體關注的「明星角色」,而有角色扮演的問題。 四、運動員的調適部分,則分為學業的調適與輸贏的調適。重要他人的影響,以及堅持則是調適過程中的動力與機制。 (一)在課業的調適方面,運動員認為憑過去藉著自己的努力、家長重視、同儕的鼓勵及學校安排等,在一路參與訓練與比賽時,能兼顧學校的課業。 (二)輸贏議題,運動員認為必須要靠自己累積比賽及失敗的經驗,才能坦然面對,並處之泰然。在調適的過程中,教練與隊友雖然能提醒失敗的原因,但是自己還是主要的思考者與行動者。而運動場中的輸贏也影響了運動員對學業、生活的看法,輸不足憾,贏亦不足喜。 (三)重要他人的部分,過去的教練給予他們很多技術和生活上的影響。不只是運動技術的指導,而是給他們運動以外更多的視野,分享經驗,也啟發他們對於人生價值的探索。 (四)運動員長期在運動的訓練與比賽中,磨練出對事、對物的堅持。他們對於運動目標的堅持、學業的兼顧以及對自己的生活與理想,都有所堅持。 五、運動員的高峰表現或經驗,多發生在他們選上國手、出國比賽,受到教練重用,或得到優秀的競賽成績時。累積多次的成功經驗,也為運動員未來的運動生涯,帶來更多的滿足感與成就感。 六、八位運動員運動退休後的工作,大致有擔任體育教師、從事職業運動、復出比賽、進修學位以及從事運動相關的行業等。 七、一路運動的收穫,除了累積生活的經驗,認識很多朋友外,在職業運動中,也學習到很多更專業的運動技能;八位選手也都擔任過教練的工作,指導學生或同儕練習;過去出國或到台灣各地比賽的經驗,也是他們印象深刻的。這些經驗肯定了他們在運動中的付出,也增強了他們對運動的熱愛與堅持。 八、對於未來的目標,受訪的選手都表示會朝著擔任體育教師,或在卸下目前的工作後從事教練工作,也有受訪者希望投身專項運動的制度改革工作。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the experiences of eight elite athletes in academics and in sports fields, and to understand their retirement experiences, using in-depth interviews and documents reviewing. The results of this research are as following: 1. The reasons why the eight elite athletes first took part in sports are their interests in sports, keen observation of school coaches and teachers, and the support of their parents. 2. The eight elite student athletes suffered pressure and injuries during their career. The sources of pressure were heavy schoolwork, decisive competitions, the inability or unwillingness to compete in races, and the multiple roles they had to play. The injuries brought athletes not only physical but also psychological effects. 3. School lessons and multiple roles in academics and in sports fields challenged student athletes. Inevitably, spending more time in sports for better competition results meant less time spent in academics. But one could still be good at both through hard work and proper time management. While at school, elite student athletes also faced the multiple-role problem for they played the roles of students, athletes, and stars all at the same time. 4. As elite student athletes, they adjusted themselves in academics and winning and losing. Important characters such as coaches played a significant part in the careers of athletes. The eight elite athletes insisted on reaching their goals, striking a balance between sports and academics, and working hard for their dreams. 5. The peak performances or experiences of the eight elite student athletes occurred as they competed excellently abroad as important members of national teams. 6. After retiring from sports, the eight elite athletes chose to be physical education teachers, professional players, researchers, or other jobs related to sports. 7. Looking back at the past, the eight elite athletes found that they had attained tremendously from sports, such as the experiences of colorful life, getting to know friends, learning professional skills, being coaches, and going around in Taiwan or abroad to compete for medals. 8. As for their goals for the future, the eight elite athletes mentioned that they would go on to be good physical education teachers and part-time or full-time coaches. Some would also contribute their life to making better changes for sport systems.




Ling, Y. P. (2006). 師範校院體育系學生生涯發展與生涯阻隔之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0712200716102691
