  • 學位論文


A Study on the Design and the Effectiveness of a Chinese Alternative Keyboard and Computer Assisted Input Method Learning System for Individuals with Disabilities

指導教授 : 吳武典 王華沛


本研究探討身心障礙者中文替代鍵盤與輸入法輔助學習系統的設計及其應用成效,主要探討的輸入法為大易輸入法,研究對象為腦性麻痺與智能障礙學生。共分成四個子研究進行,分別為(1)大易中文替代鍵盤設計,(2)替代鍵盤之可用性評估,(3)大易輸入法輔助學習系統設計,(4)大易輸入法學習成效研究。 在子研究一中,研究者利用鍵盤設計的人因工程與人機介面原則,設計適合身心障礙者使用的大易中文替代鍵盤。研究者根據大易字根出現率與聯結率,重新設計一個7*6的替代鍵盤,經理論值分析結果,發現替代鍵盤在各區之字根出現率與聯結率以及手指移動量上的統計值均優於標準鍵盤。 子研究二,研究者進一步以16-18歲腦性麻痺、智能障礙與腦性麻痺智能障礙者各三位為對象,利用單一受試交互處理設計,進行中文大易替代鍵盤的可用性評估,結果發現九位受試的表現均以替代鍵盤為佳。 子研究三,研究者結合基本字帶字、基本部件以及中文字形結構,發展大易中文輸入法輔助學習系統,該系統包括輔助學習鍵盤、字根學習系統以及大易拆碼學習系統。根據大易字根重新歸類結果,研究者把253個大易字根整理成108個重要代表字根,以子研究一之替代鍵盤以基礎,設計出具多功能用途的輔助學習鍵盤,並選取其中的97個字根,利用U1系統編製成具互動性的多媒體字根學習系統。此外,研究者從338個基本字和基本部件中,依其字形結構與大易字根碼數分析結果,選取三組練習用字,分別為並列組、內連組以及複雜組,每組40個字,共120個字,作為課程內容,發展成多媒體大易字根拆碼學習系統。 子研究四,研究者利用子研究三所發展的輸入法輔助學習系統之大易拆碼學習系統教導腦性麻痺、智能障礙以及腦性麻痺智能障礙學生各一位,學習大易輸入法,利用單一受試多試探設計,探討此系統的教學成效。結果發現,三位受試者均能學會三組練習用字的大易拆碼,而且多能有不錯的保留效果,對未學過的文字類化學習效果也不錯。三位受試者中以腦性麻痺者的學習速率最快,類化與保留的效果也最好。實驗介入後,三位受試者的輸入速度平均介於5-12個字。 根據四個子研究的結果,本研究可獲以下的結論:(1)利用人因工程與人機介面的原則可以發展適合身心障礙者使用的大易替代鍵盤,(2)利用基本字與部件字形結構與大易字根碼數分析結果所發展的大易輸入法輔助學習系統之大易拆碼學習系統,可以有效教導學習者學習大易輸入法。


The purposes of this study were to design a Chinese alternative keyboard and computer assisted input method learning system and to explore their effectiveness. This study included four sub-studies, they are: (1) a study on the design of a Chinese Da-Yi alternative keyboard for individuals with disabilities, (2) a study on the usability evaluation of a Chinese Da-Yi alternative keyboard, (3) a study on the design of an computer assisted input method learning system, (4) a study on the application effectiveness of the computer assisted input method learning system. In sub-study one, researcher disassembled the 641 words that were 80% of the 5063 common Chinese words into Da-Yi roots, and then reorganized the layout of the standard keyboard into a 7 columns * 6 rows alternative keyboard. The results of the probability of appearance evaluation showed that the 25 roots in the central area of the alternate keyboard contained 80% of the entire entry roots, and the user usually could find the next target root by moving the finger fewer than three keys either in vertical or horizontal direction. In sub-study two, there were 9 subjects, included 3 with cerebral palsies, 3 with mental retardation and 3 with cerebral palsies combined mental retardation, participated the usability evaluation of the alternate keyboard designed in sub-study one. the performance of the 9 subjects showed that the alternative keyboard is better, and they preferred to use it. In sub-study three, according to the result of the structure analysis of the 338 partials or stems, researcher organized them into three groups, then selected 40 partials or stems for each group as the content to designed a computer assisted Da-Yi input method learning system, included assisted alternative keyboard, Da-Yi roots multi-media learning system, and Da-yi roots disassembling learning system. The purpose of the sub-study four was to examine the effectiveness of the computer assisted Da-Yi input method learning system that developed in sub-study three. There were three of the nine subjects in sub-study two participated the Da-Yi input method learning intervention. The outcome of their learning indicated that all of them could disassemble these three groups word into Da-Yi roots correctly after learning and generated to other words.




