  • 學位論文


The Study of Female Junior High School Principals’ Communication Behaviors: Two Cases of Female Principals.

指導教授 : 潘慧玲


一直以來,服務於教育界中的女性,多半集中於基層教師,僅有極少數能在教育組織中嶄露頭角。由於女性主管比例較低,又身處在一直以來以男性為主導在學校組織中,要能勝任這份工作並不容易,因此女性領導者與成員的溝通協調成為女校長工作中重要的議題。因為溝通是組織活動的中樞,組織中的大小事務,都必須透過領導者與組織成員間的互動與對話,方能傳遞訊息,建立共識。因為吾人對國內女性教育主管瞭解仍然相當有限,因此本研究以溝通行為為焦點希望了解國中女校長溝通行為形成的個人發展脈絡與學校組織脈絡、脈絡因素與女校長溝通行為之間的互動關係、女校長的溝通行為與其所遇到的挑戰與因應之道。 本研究首先對回顧相關文獻,探討組織溝通的相關概念、組織溝通研究的理論觀點,包括功能觀點、詮釋觀點、批判觀點與女性主義觀點,以及性別與組織溝通之相關研究,包括溝通行為、溝通障礙與溝通內容相關研究。接下來則以兩位國中女校長為主要研究對象,採質性研究進行校長與各校五位同仁的訪談、會議的觀察與文件的分析。我從民國八十九年四月開始進行前導研究,五月開始正式進入現場蒐集資料,一直到八十九年十一月退出現場。每位校長各接受三次的訪談,此外,平均一星期有兩個半天的現場觀察,觀察內容為例行會議觀察、朝會、其他座談會或不定期的會議,大合國中的觀察次數為十五次,大平國中則為十三次。 在女校長溝通行為形成的個人發展脈絡部分,由於她們的發展歷程中都曾受到重要他人以傳統性別期望來對待,促使她們在這成長的過程中反思,並重新尋出自己的定位。此外她們時常以育兒或家庭經驗來對照學校情境中所發生的事物,母親的經驗對於她們的溝通行為有深刻影響。另一方面組織氣氛、組織的性別文化與組織規模等都是影響女校長溝通行為的組織脈絡因素。在組織氣氛方面,兩位校長勤於利用各種溝通的場合與組織成員交換意見,也表現出樂於傾聽的態度,漸漸地轉變了學校的風氣,成為民主而開放的校園;組織性別文化方面,大合與大平兩所學校內的性別分工仍存在著某些刻板的情形,雖然這樣的模式不斷的複製著性別刻板印象,但是兩位校長並非消極符應刻板印象,而是以行動來證明自己的能力,創造溝通的雙贏局面;組織規模方面,李校長領導的大平國中是中小型的學校,因此比較常使用直接溝通的方式,透過各種聚會互相溝通,復以書面溝通為輔助,而田校長所服務的大合國中屬於中大型的學校,所以她並未發展出明顯的溝通網絡,而是善加利用組織既有的溝通管道來溝通。歸結綜合兩位女校長的溝通行為時,可以發現她們關懷人性且重視實質溝通能力,偏好合議制的決策溝通模式,呈現出亦剛亦柔的特色。 而女校長在溝通時所共同面臨的主要挑戰來自性別刻板印象的負面影響,而她們也有不同的因應之道。她們選擇以積極有效率的辦事能力,來扭轉他人的刻板印象。無論遭受他人怎樣的歧視或誤會,都抱持著樂觀且忠於自我的思想,不以言語直接挑戰,而是提高辦學效率、塑造和諧校風來證明自己的能力,打破他人對於女性無法溝通軟弱無能的迷思。 最後則根據研究發現提出對於女性領導者與後續研究的建議,從女性領導者的角度而言,可於女校長職前教育提供相關之性別課程、由建立女性師徒制開始發展性別平權的組織文化、不放棄在家庭中的溝通並發揮自主性抗拒文化不利的宰制。對後續研究的建議則包括以社會建構的觀點來探究組織中的女性行為、提倡本土化的性別與溝通行為研究、研究各個教育層級的女性行政工作者、並繼續深入學校情境觀察簡單現象背後的複雜含意。


女校長 溝通行為 性別分析


Female educators are the main force of the fundamental level of the education system, however, only few of them can make their way to be leaders. Being a leader in educational organization is not an easy task for women since the percentage of female leader is lower than male leaders , moreover, the whole stage has long been dominated by male leaders. Therefore, communicating with school members will be one of the most critical part of female leaders’ work since it’s the way to exchange opinions and reach consensus. In order to understand more about female leaders, the purpose of this study is to understand the communication behaviors of female principals, including the personal and social context 、 the relationship between context and communication behaviors、the challenges and the strategies. To achieve this aim, the research firstly undertook the task of literature review. Secondly, under the qualitative research approach, data were collected through interviews, observations and varies kinds of documents. According to the process of data analysis and discussions, research results are as followed. First, both principals’ communication performance were profoundly affected by significant others and the experiences of being a mother. Besides, organization climate, organizational gender culture and organizational size are also the key factors to the female principals communication behaviors. Female principals make good use of every occasion to exchange and listen opinions of members, thus school atmosphere has become more open little by little. As for the organizational gender culture, stereotype still affects the way people think and act. Nevertheless, the female principals try hard to develop ability and create win-win situation. In conclusion, female principals have something in common about their communication. They emphasize caring and solving problems through team work that implicates they are both soft and tough as well. The obstacle they both face is caused by the gender stereotype and they solve it by active and efficient attitude. They are true to themselves so that their behaviors keep challenging the myth that women are weak and vulnerable.. Last but not the least, based on the results above, suggestions were presented.




張文玉(2011)。校長領導特質之研究 ~以二位國民中小學女性校長為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2011.00230
梁文蓁(2000)。中學女性校長權力運用之研究: 以兩位女校長為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2603200719110241
